Lesson 12: Network Troubleshooting Flashcards
protocol used to determine a network
host’s address. ARP can also refer to a
command line tool that is used to display
and/or manipulate the ARP table
on a network computer.
A ping command that uses the
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) to
issue an “arp request” rather than the
Internet Control Message Protocol
(ICMP) to issue an “echo request.”
ARP ping
A table, generated by the Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP), stored in
the memory of a network device, which
contains the IP addresses and MAC
addresses of other network devices on
the local subnet with which it has been
in contact.
arp table
The act of reflecting or splitting
radio signals off certain surfaces and
A device used in telephone communications
that allows a technician
to connect to any phone connection
and use that connection like a regular
phone, or to test the connection to
make sure that it’s working.
butt set
An electronic device used to
verify connections in a network cable.
cable tester
A character-
based computer interface that
requires the user to type text commands
into a computer or terminal using a
specific syntax to execute programs or
perform tasks.
command-line interface (CLI)
An event in which the signal in
one wire interferes with the signal in
another wire.
command-line tool used to query DNS
servers to gain information about them.
Domain Information Groper (dig)
caused by something external to the
environmental interference
A problem that occurs
when the incorrect Extended Service
Set Identifier (ESSID) is set up in a
wireless device’s configuration.
ESSID mismatch
A command-line tool used to
display the DNS hostname of the local
A command-line tool that is the
Linux/UNIX equivalent to ipconfig.
The electric resistance of a data
A problem that occurs when
strong electromagnetic fields interfere
with the electrical impulses used to
send signal across a copper wire.
A command-line tool found in all
current versions of Microsoft Windows
that is used to display network
configuration values.
A testing methodology
that uses a specially designed connector
or command to feed data back in
through the same port that transmitted
it, to make sure that the port is physically
loopback testing
A device designed to take several
types of measurements, such as voltage,
amperage, resistance, and continuity.
A Linux/UNIX
command-line tool that combines the
capabilities and functionality of traceroute
and ping.
my traceroute (MTR)
A command-line tool used to
obtain information about a local
machine and the devices it is connected
to, based on NetBIOS names.
A command-line tool used to
display information about network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships.
A command-line tool used to
look up DNS servers.
An electronic instrument used
to test fiber-optic cables. See also timedomain
reflectometer (TDR).
Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer (OTDR)
A program used to determine
whether a specific IP address can be
reached on the network.
A testing methodology in
which you use the ping command to
test the full range of functionality for a
specific network connection.
ping testing
A hand tool designed
to terminate wires on a 110 block or a
66 block.
punch down tool
A command used to view and/or
manipulate the routing table on the
targeted device by adding or removing
static routes.
A problem that occurs when wires
carrying electrical signals or power
physically touch each other after having
their insulation worn off at the point
where they make contact.
A handheld tool used to cut wire,
wire ties, and similar type things.
An event that occurs
when all devices on a network do not use
the same standard for communication.
standards mismatch
A condition in which two
or more switches keep sending frames
back and forth to each othe and
nowhere else on the network.
switch loop
A device that
monitors the temperature of an electric
device to avoid having it rise above certain
temperatures that render electronic
devices unreliable.
temperature monitor
A special lab scenario set
up to resemble the real environment.
test environment
electronic instrument used to test inplace
non-fiber cables for faults.
Time-Domain Reflectometer (TDR)
A tool used to find the end of
a long run of cable.
toner probe
A variation on ping
testing that displays the name or IP
address at which a nerwork connection
stops functioning.
trace route testing
A Linux/UNIX command-line
tool that reports back each stop a packet
makes on its way to a destination.
Microsoft Windows version of
A device designed
ro moniror electrical circuits and look
for problems in the electriciry coming
through the circuit.
voltage event recorder