lesson 12 Flashcards
내가 전화를 하려던 참에 어머니가 전화를 하셨어요.
When I was about to make a phone call to my mother, I got a phone call from her.
왜 한국에 왔어요?
Why did you come to Korea?
한국 친구도 사귈 겸 한국말도 배울 겸 한국에 왔어요.
I came to Korea to make some Korean friends and also study Korean.
요즘 태권도를 배우고 있어요?
Are you learning taekwondo these days?
운동도 할 겸 한국의 전통문화도 배울 겸 해서 배우고 있어요.
I’m learning it to get some exercise and also learn about traditional Korean culture.
책도 읽을 겸 공부도 할 겸 도서관에 가려고 해요.
I’m planning to go to the library to read some books and also study.
기분 전환도 할 겸 쇼핑도 할 겸 명동에 갔어요.
I went to Myeongdong both to relax and do some shopping.
요즘에는 아침 겸 점심을 먹을 수 있는 식당들이 많아졌어요.
These days, the number of restaurants where you can eat both breakfast and lunch has increased.
용돈을 벌다
to make some spending money
경험을 쌓다
to accumulate experience
바람을 쐬다
to enjoy a cool breeze
고향 음식이 너무 먹고 싶다. 다음 방학에는 고향에 가서 엄마가 해 주신 음식을 실컷 먹어야지.
I really want to eat some food from back home. During the next vacation, I’ll have to visit home and stuff myself with mom’s cooking.
작년에 교통신호를 어겨서 벌금을 많이 냈지요?
Last year, you ran a traffic light and paid a big fine, right?
올해부터는 교통신호를 잘 지켜야지요.
From this year I’ve got to obey traffic signals.
어제 ‘집으로’라는 영화를 다시 봤는데 정말 재미있었어.
Yesterday, I saw the movie “The Way Home” again, and it was really fun.
난 아직도 못 봤는데 그렇게 재미있어? 그럼 나도 봐야지.
I haven’t seen it yet, but is it really that fun? If so, l’ll have to see it, too.
그렇게 자꾸 지각하다가는 승진하기 어려울 거야.
It’ll be difficult to get a promotion if you keep coming in late like that.
내일부터는 절대 회사에 지각하지 말아야지요.
Starting tomorrow, I won’t be late to work under any circumstances.
세미나에 꼭 가야 돼?
Do we absolutely have to attend the seminar?
그럼요, 우리 교수님이 발표를 하시니까 꼭 가야지요.
Of course. Our professor is giving a presentation, so we have to go.
요즘 이가 자주 아파요.
My teeth really hurt these days.
빨리 치과에 가야지요.
You’d better go to the dentist promptly.
몸이 안 좋은데 할 일이 있어서 밤을 샜더니 머리도 어지럽고 정말 힘드네요.
I wasn’t feeling well, and then I stayed up all night to get things done, so now I feel dizzy and am really tired.
몸이 안 좋으면 무리하지 말고 쉬었어야지요.
If you weren’t feeling well to begin with, you should have rested instead of pushing yourself too hard.
한국에서 가 볼 만한 곳을 좀 추천해 주시겠어요?
Can you recommend any places in Korea worth visiting?
설악산이 어때요? 지금 가을이라서 단풍이 정말 아름다울 거예요.
How about Mt. Seorak? Since it’s autumn now, the fall foliage should be really beautiful.
웨이밍 씨가 만든 음식이 어땠어요?
How’s the food Wei Ming made?
웨이밍 씨가 요리를 잘해서 모두 맛있었지만 특히 월남쌈은 정말 먹을 만했어요.
Wei Ming is a good cook, so all of it was good, but his Vietnamese rice wraps are really worth trying.
영수 씨는 믿을 만한 사람이니까 힘든 일이 있으면 부탁해 보세요.
Yeongsu is trustworthy, so you can ask him to help you out with difficult tasks.