lesson 1 Flashcards
마크 씨, 얼굴이 피곤해 보여요. 무슨 일 있어요?
Mark, you look tired. Did something happen?
어제 숙제하느라고 잠을 못 잤거든요.
I wasn’t able to sleep yesterday because I was trying to get my homework done.
아키라 씨, 제가 머리 모양을 바꿨는데 어때요?
Akira, I changed my hairstyle. How does it look?
머리 모양을 바꾸니까 훨씬 어려 보이네요.
You look much younger now that you’ve changed your hairstyle.
할아버지, 청바지 입으셨네요.
Grandpa, you’re wearing blue jeans.
청바지를 입으니까 더 젊어 보이지?
Don’t I look younger now that I’m wearing blue jeans?
이 음식은 많이 매워 보이는데 괜찮겠어요?
This food looks really spicy. Is that okay?
이제 매운 음식에 익숙해져서 괜찮아요.
I’m used to spicy food by now, so I’ll be fine.
영진 씨한테 무슨 일 있어요?
Did something happen to Yeongin?
도서관 앞에서 봤는데 많이 우울해 보였어요.
I saw him in front of the library, and he looked really sad.
프러포즈를 받다
to receive a marriage proposal
to be hospitalized
웨이밍 씨가 오늘 학교에 안 왔네요.
Wei Ming didn’t come to school today.
어제 몸이 안 좋다고 했는데 많이 아픈 모양이에요.
Yesterday she said she didn’t feel well. It looks like she’s really sick.
저기 아키라 씨가 가네요!
There goes Akira!
등산복을 입은 걸 보니까 산에 가는 모양이에요.
Judging from the hiking clothes he’s wearing, it looks like he’s heading to the mountains.
소영 씨가 회사를 그만두었다면서요?
I heard that Soyeong quit working for the company.
회사 일이 정말 힘들었던 모양이에요.
Apparently the job was really difficult for her.
제나 씨가 아직 안 일어났어요?
Has Jena not woken up yet?
방에 영화 DVD가 있는 걸 보니까 밤늦게까지 영화를 본 모양이에요.
Seeing that there are some DVDs in her room, I reckon she watched movies until late at night.
주영 씨가 방학에 뭐 하는지 아세요?
Do you know what Juyeong is doing during vacation?
비행기 표를 예매한 걸 보니까 고향에 갈 모양이에요.
Judging from the fact that she reserved a plane ticket, I’m guessing that she’s going to her hometown.
부동산 중개소
real estate agency
throughout (a time period)
바람이 많이 부네요.
It’s really windy.
바람이 불면 추울 텐데 따뜻하게 입고 가는 게 좋겠어요.
If it’s windy, it should be cold, so it’s good to wear warm clothes when going out.
웨이밍 씨가 오늘 동창회에 온대요?
Did Wei Ming say she would come to the alumni meeting today?
벌써 초대장을 받았을 텐데 연락이 없네요.
She should have received the invitation, but I haven’t heard from her yet.
시험공부를 안 해서 큰일이에요.
I’m in big trouble because I haven’t studied for the exam.
저도요. 시험을 못 보면 진급을 못할 텐데 걱정이에요.
Me too. If we don’t do well on the test, we won’t advance (to the next level/grade), so I’m worried.
저녁에 택배가 하나 오는데 좀 받아 주세요.
I’m expecting a delivery this evening, so please make sure that you receive it.
저도 저녁에는 집에 없을 텐데 어떡하지요?
But I also don’t expect to be home this evening, so what should we do?
어제 야근하느라고 많이 피곤했을 텐데 오늘은 일찍 들어가세요.
You must be exhausted after working late yesterday, so please go home early today.
오늘도 야근할 수 있습니다.
I can work late today, too.
제나 씨에게 같이 여행 가자고 할까요?
Shall we ask Jena to go on the trip with us?
제나 씨는 요즘 바쁠 텐데요.
I think Jena is busy these days.
경수 씨가 요즘 시험 준비하느라 바쁘대요.
I heard Gyeongsu is busy trying to prepare for his exam.
이번에는 꼭 합격해야 할 텐데요.
He really has to pass this time.
태풍이 와서 비행기가 모두 취소되었어요.
All the flights were canceled because of the typhoon.
태풍이 오지 않았더라면 비행기가 취소되지 않았을 텐데요.
They wouldn’t have been canceled if there hadn’t been a typhoon.