Lesson 12 Flashcards
1.1 Outline challenges related to data and information in entities (3)
1) Storage.
2) Transformation of data into information
3) Information overload.
1.1 Define enterprise risk management taxonomy”
system of classification for identifying and categorizing risks that could affect the entity’s strategy and business objectives
provides the basis for supporting risk data and information. When an entity implements a taxonomy structure into its information systems, it is more likely to consistently aggregate risk data and information.
1.2 Explain the significance of relevant information to enterprise risk management
In the context of enterprise risk management, it is the information that allows the entity to anticipate situations that may impede the achievement of strategy and business objectives and to be more agile in decision making, giving it a competitive advantage.
The process of identifying what information is required to be able to apply enterprise risk management practices is continual and specific to each component of the risk management framework.
The process considers what information is available to management (and what is needed) and the cost of obtaining that information.
1.2 Explain the significance of quality information to enterprise risk management
Quality information is essential for enterprise risk management. If the underlying data is inaccurate or incomplete, management may not be able to make sound judgments, estimates or decisions.
1.3 What are 4 components of ERM and examples of information sources needed to support them
1) The Risk Governance and Culture component. Information on the standards of conduct and individual performance relative to those standards.
2) The Risk Strategy and Objective Setting component. Information on stakeholder expectations of risk appetite.
3) The Risk Information, Communicating and Reporting component. Information on competitor actions to assess changing risk.
4) The Monitoring Enterprise Risk Management Performance component. Information on baseline performance in terms of enterprise risk management trends.
- This type of information can be collected by attending enterprise risk management conferences and monitoring industry-specific blogs.
1.4 Outline characteristics of high-quality information (6)
1) Accessible
2) Accurate
3) Appropriate
4) Current
5) Reliable
6) Has integrity - protected from manipulation and error
1.5 Explain this statement: Data requirements are based on information requirements. Provide an example
When data is processed and organized it becomes a source of knowledge. Therefore the data you need is based upon the knowledge you are looking for
1.6 Describe the components of effective data management within enterprise risk management (3)
1) The governance of data management - standardization
2) Data management processes and controls - reinforce the reliability of data or correct it as needed
3) Data management architecture - ensures the data can be reliably read integrated and used in systems and in the entity
1.7 Provide examples of organizational processes that an entity can use to assess the relevance of data (5)
1) Data Consistency - Measures the consistency between the data used by analytics and modelling.
2) Data redundancy - is data held in separate places
3) Data availability - Measures whether data is available at a required level of performance in varying situations.
3) Data accuracy - correctness
5) Data quality thresholds - precision
Explain how and ERM taxonomy can support effective ERM
An ERM taxonomy is a set of risk categories used across the entity
Many entities develop risk taxonomies within a particular function are, such as internal audit.
Use of a taxonomy helps to aggregate risk data to understand exposures and identify risks that could affect the entity’s strategy and business objectives.
2.2 List 8 factors that an entity will consider when selecting or developing IT to support information systems in the ERM process
Consider how the tool will be used t support:
1) Scope - of requirements
2) Aggregation - How the tech is used to aggregate risks
3) Information quality
4) Consistancy and standards
5) Risk assessments
6) Reporting
7) Integration
8) Cost/benefits
2.3 Provide examples of the types of changes that can lead to the need to update information system requirements (3)
1) Continually evolving regulations
2) Shifting customer expectations
3) Innovations in technology may present alternatives to change and improve information systems - for example risk information may be electronically shared with a broader audience using cloud services
An entity that operates in a highly dynamic environment may experience continual changes
3.1 Describe the types of risk data and information that can be conveyed through an entity’s communication channels (6)
1) The importance, relevance and value of ERM
2) The characteristics, desired behaviours and core values that define the entity’s culture
3) The entity’s strategy and business objectives
4) The risk appetite and acceptable variation in performance
5) The overarching expectations of management and EEs in relation to ERM and performance management
6) The expectations of the entity on any important matters relating to ERM including weaknesses deterioration or nonadherence
3.2 Identify factors that contribute to effective communication regarding risk between the board and management and other stakeholders who participate in decision making (5)
1) Risk responsibilities are clearly defined and allocated in the risk governance structure at the board, management and other levels and whether the structure supports the desired risk dialogue
2) Board of directors and management have a shared understanding of risk and its relationship to strategy and business objectives
3) Directors have a deep understanding of the business, value drivers and strategy and associated risks
4) Board is open to and continually discusses risk appetite with management
5) Board uses the entity’s risk appetite as a touchstone in communications.
3.3 Describe common communication approaches used by management to assist the entity’s board of directors in fulfilment of its risk management oversight responsibilities (6)
1) Address risks as determined by the entity’s strategy and business objectives
2) Capture and align information at a level that is consistent with directors’ risk oversight responsibilities and with the level of information determined necessary by the board
3) Present the entity’s risk profile as aligned with its risk appetite statement and link reported risk information to policies for exposure and tolerances
4) Provide a report of risk exposures explaining trends and looking forward in relation to current positions
5) Update at a frequency consistent with the pace of risk evolution and severity of risk
6) Use standardized templates to support consistent presentation and structure of risk information over time