Lesson 11: Managing Packages and Software Flashcards
allows you to install a package but Didnt handle depencies so apt-get was vreate to download dependciances which contained as cache
apt -cache used to maintine queeir cache
What is apt?
apt is the cmd line int for managing aptitude which allow you to install software
When installing software with apt, where is that software queried from?
software comes from a repository located in the /etc/apt/sources.list file or /etc/apt/sources.list.d folder
How do you search for the repo software on the system?
apt list {string}
apt search {string}
note. you can use the wildcard (*) to find anything that starts with {string}
How do install software located in the repository?
apt install {string}
How do install software not located in the repository?
- download package to system found on software website
- apt install {file_name}
1.. utilize trusted repository if available - add to the sources.list file
(install key to verify security) - update the apt cache > apt update
- install apt install {string}
What is apt upgrade used for?
Used to download and install a update to the system
How do you upgrade you distribution, OS?
Run apt dist-upgrade
How do you uninstall a software?
apt remove {sting}
What is YUM stand for?
Yellow Dog Update Management.
What is DNF?
Dandified YUM serves as a update to YUM
What problem did YUM solve concerning RPM?
RPM did not track dependencies and you would have had to install each dependencies individually. YUM solves this by tracking dependencies
What is the rpm command is used for?
used to manage RPM packages on Red Hat-derived distributions. The syntax of the rpm command is rpm [options] [package name]
- i {package name}Install the specified software
- e {package name}Erase (uninstall) the package.
- v Enable verbose mode, providing more detail.
- h Print hash marks to indicate a progress bar.
- V {package name}Verify the software components of the package exist.
- qa List all installed software (typically a very largeoutput).
- qi {package name} List information about a particular package.
- qc {package name} List the configuration files for a particularpackage.
- U —upgrades the installed package, and installs the package if it is not alreadyinstalled.
- F —freshens the installed package, i.e., upgrades but does not install the packageif it is not already installed.
Where can you browse yum repositories?
Go to /etc/yum.repos.d
How do you search for software using yum?
Yum list {string}
Yum search {string} - searches through metadata of packages and looks for keywords
Yum info {package_name}
How do you install software using yum?
yum install {software} or to install multiple software yum install {software} {software} {software}
How do you add a yum repository?
navigate to /etc/yum.repos.d
create a new repository file
input information for 3rd party
for security reasons download and install a copy of public key
How do you look for update using yum
yum update - update software, cache, and distribution
How do you uninstall a software using yum?
yum remove {software}
Why would you build a application from source code?
Some applications are not deployed or not distributed as a pre compiled binary
What is compiling software?
Its taking a text and converting it to binary
What is gcc?
GNU Compiler Collection
Make is also a good software to used with gcc
Gzip is another piece of useful software
What is the software compilation process?
- Unpack download, typically using tar and/or gzip commands.
- Change into directory that gets created as part of the unpacking process.
- Run the ./ configure command to gather system information needed by the application (information is stored in the makefile)
- Use the make command to compile the application using the information stored in the makefile
- Use make install command to install the resulting binaries (the application).
What is the purpose of tar?
The purpose is to bundle together multiple files into a single tarball with a .tar extension
Basic options for tar are as follows:
- c Create the tarball
- x Extract the tarball.
- v Enable verbose mode.
- r Append more files to an existing tarball.
- t Test the tarball or see what files are included in the tarball.
- f Specify the name of the tarball in the next argument (must be used as the last option).