Lesson 10- What is the carbon budget and how does it impact on land, oceans and the atmosphere? Flashcards
What is the carbon budget?
- The carbon budget is the netchange between inputs from acarbon source and outputs to acarbon sink.
- The budget includes carbon emissions by various processes (i.e. burning fossil fuels) putting carbon into the atmosphere and compares this against carbon removed from the atmosphere by natural or human sequestration
Types of carbon budget
- Individual carbon budget
- Business carbon budget
- Country carbon budget
- Global carbon budget
Types of carbon budget-Individual carbon budget
- How much carbon is produced by activities such as heating our home, the food we eat, how we get around, less how much carbon is absorbed by the plants in our gardens, our use of renewable energy like solar etc.
Types of carbon budget- Business carbon budget
How much carbon is produced to run the business whether its sources of energy or how its emmitted.
Types of carbopn budget-Country Carbon Budget
- As part of international agreements countries must consider how much carbon is produced in their country compared to how much is absorbed in biological and geologic sequestration, or captured using technology.
Types of carbon budget-Global Carbon Budget
- As the carbon system is interconnected and global, changes to the budget in one part of the world will have impacts upon other parts of the world.
- Since many of the carbon emissions have occurred in wealthier countries they have a bigger impact on other countries.
How does carbon get into the atmosphere?
- Human and natural sources
How does carbon get into the atmosphere-Human sources
- Fossil fuel combustion (lithosphere – atmosphere)
- Deforestation (biosphere – atmosphere)
- Land use change (pedosphere or biosphere – atmosphere)
How does carbon get into the atmosphbere-Natural sources
- Ocean-Atmosphere Exchange (hydrosphere – atmosphere)
- Plant and animal respiration (biosphere – atmosphere)
- Soil respiration and decomposition (pedosphere – atmosphere)
- Volcanic eruptions (lithosphere – atmosphere)
What are carbon sinks?
- Carbon sinks absorb more carbon from the atmosphere than they give out. They are a store of carbon.
- E.g Tundra, Rainforest, Soil
What are carbon sinks-Tundra
- This biome supports a slow-growing ecology in white plants, such as sphagnum moss, extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during growth.
- Carbon is stored during the cold when there are acidic anerobic conditions in the bogs
What are carbon sinks- Soil
- One of the largest carbon sinks depending on the prevailing conditions
- Animal faeces and dead vegetative matter in the form of leaves and roots may be slow to decompose if conditions are too acidic or anaerobic
Impacts of the carbon cycle on earth
- Maintains temperature for life on earth
- Cooling global temperature
- Helping form clouds
- Removing CO2 from the atmosphere
Impacts of carbon cycle on earth-Maintains temperature for life on earth
- CO2 and other greenhouse gases that absorb outgoing long-wave radiation; warming the lower atmosphere meaning earth is warm enough to support life
Impacts of the carbon cycle on earth-Cooling global temperature
- Ash and gases from volcanic activity release CO2, which again absorb insolation cool the earth down