Lesson 1-What are the different systems in Geography? Flashcards
What is a system?
- A balanced equilibrium that contains a series of inputs and outputs that are constantly interchanging
- Waves
- Wind
- Rivers
- Cliffs
- Ocean currents
- Storms
- Humans
- Wind
- Longshore drift
- Wind
Different systems
- Open systems
- Closed systems
- Isolated systems
- Cascading systems
Open systems
- In a system that can transfer energy and matter in and out. This means it has inputs and outputs from the system
Closed systems
- Is a system that transfers energy, but not matter across its boundary to the surrounding envrironment
Isolated systems
- Do not share matter or energy with their surroundings and rarely exist in nature but the nearest would be a coconut
Cascading systems
- Cascading systems are where energy and materials are transferred from one subsystem to another
- The output of one system becomes the input of another; alluvium from a river cascades into another coastal system
What type of system is earth?
In general, the earth is typically classed as a closed system.
-as energy from the sun came come into the earth but no matter like water
-however, there are 4 sub suystems occuring on the earth
-Atmosphere, Lithosphere, Biosphere and Hydrosphere
Sub-systems- Atmosphere
Refers to the interaction of gases around the planet
Sub systems-Lithosphere
Interaction of the solid, semi-solid and liquid land of the planets crust
Sub systems-Biosphere
Interaction of biological life within the planet
Sub systems- Hydosphere
Interaction of water on our planet
Key words- Stores/ Components
Where energy or matter is held until processes are in place to move them