Lesson 10 Flashcards
What is the meaning of isotonic?
The same concentration inside and out.
Iso- equal, the same as
Tonic- osmotic pressure or concentration
What is the meaning of prodromal?
Pertaining to the time before a condition becomes evident.
Pro- before
Drom- course
Al- pertaining to
What is the meaning of intramuscular?
Inside a muscle
Intra- inside
Muscular- muscle
What is the meaning of homeostasis?
Unchanging, stabilized physiologic condition of the body.
Homeo- unchanging
Stasis- stabilize
What is the meaning of hypoxia?
Insufficient oxygen in the tissues of the body.
Hypo- too little
Oxia- oxygen
What is the meaning of prognosis?
Predicted outcome of a disease.
Pro- before
Gnos- knowledge
Os(is)- condition of
What is the meaning of dystocia?
Difficulty in giving birth.
Toc- birth
Ia- condition
What is the meaning of hyperesthesia?
Extreme sensitivity of the senses, especially to painful stimuli.
Hyper- excessive
Esthesia- sensation
What is the meaning of anisocytosis?
Increased number of cells of unequal size.
Aniso- unequal
Cytosis- increased # of cells
What is the meaning of panleukopenia?
Insufficient number of all types of white blood cells.
Pan- all
Leuko- white
Penia- insufficient cells
What is the therapeutic use of water?
What is the inflammation of the skin on the extremities?
What is the term for between the digits?
What is the term relating to before reaching the kidneys?
What is the term for after an operative procedure?
What is the term for preferring the opposite sex?
What is the term for fracturing a bone again?
What is the term for a deficiency of carbon dioxide?
What is the term for low blood pressure?
What is the term for normal labor or birth?
What is the term for without muscle tone or strength?
What is the term for cautery by freezing?
What is the meaning of agonal?
Pertaining to the struggling seen just before death; pertaining to an infection or dz in its terminal stages.
What is the meaning of alopecia?
The loss of hair from an area I which hair is normally precent.
What is the meaning of anorexia?
The lack of an appetite
What is the meaning if antemortem?
Before death
What is the meaning of arrest?
The cessation of function
What is the meaning of ataxia?
Muscular incoordination; irregular muscular contraction
What is the meaning of cachexia?
The state of advanced malnutrition or debilitation.
What is the meaning of colic?
Acute abdominal pain; pertaining to the colon.
What is the meaning of convulsion?
Violent, involuntary contraction of skeletal muscles, originating from a neurological disorder.
What is the meaning of emaciation?
State of extreme weight loss
What is the meaning of epilepsy?
Disturbance of brain function, characterized by intermittent periods of seizure activity, loss of consciousness or other neurologic abnormalities.
What is the meaning of febrile?
Characterized by fever.
What is the meaning of idiopathic?
Of unknown cause
What is the meaning of morbidity?
Ratio of sick to healthy animals in a population.