Lesson 10&12 Flashcards
Lesson 12
- A planned effort by an organization to facilitate the learning of job-related behavior
- systematic acquisition of skills, rules, concepts, or attitudes that result in improved performance
Organizational Analysis
The process of determining the organizational factors that will either facilitate or inhibit training effectiveness.
Task Analysis
- Use job analysis methods to identify the tasks performed by each employee, the conditions under which these tasks are performed, and the competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities) needed to perform the tasks under the identified conditions.
- determine how employees learn to perform each task or obtain each competency
Person Analysis
The process of identifying the employees who need training and determining the areas in which each individual employee needs to be trained.
Performance Appraisal Scores
A rating representing some aspect of an employee’s work performance.
Questionnaires asking employees about the areas in which they feel they need training
Interviews are not used as extensively as surveys, but they can yield even more in-depth answers to questions about training needs
Skills Test
A test that measures an employee’s level of some job related skill
Knowledge test
A test that measures the level of an employee’s knowledge about a job related topic.
Critical Incidents
the critical incidents are sorted into dimensions and separated into examples of good and poor performance. Dimensions with many examples of poor performance are considered to be areas in which many employees are performing poorly and in which additional training is indicated.
Training goals and objectives should concretely state the following (Mager, 1997)
- What learners are expected to do
- The conditions under which they are expected to do it
- The level at which they are expected to do it
Case study
A training technique in which employees, usually in a group, are presented with a real or hypothetical workplace problem and are asked to propose the best solution
An exercise designed to place an applicant in a situation that is similar to the one that will be encountered on the job.
Asynchronous technologies
Distance learning programs in which employees can complete the training at their own pace and at a time of their choosing.
Synchronous technologies
Distance learning programs that require employees to complete the training at the same time and at the same pace although they may be in different physical locations.
Interactive Video
A training technique in which an employee is presented with a videotaped situation and is asked to respond to the situation and then receives feedback based on the response
Programmed instruction
A training method in which employees learn information at their own pace.
Short for “web seminar,” an interactive training method in which training is transmitted over the Internet.
A noninteractive training method in which the trainer transmits training information over the Internet.
A website in which the **host regularly posts commentaries **on a topic that readers can respond to
A collection of web pages in which users can create web pages on a topic and readers can freely edit those pages
A program that automatically distributes e-mail messages to a group of people who have a common interest
Learning through watching and imitating the behavior of others
Job rotation
A system in which employees are given the opportunity to perform several different jobs in an organization
Teaching employees how to perform tasks traditionally performed by other employ
Apprentice training
A training program, usually found in the craft and building trades, in which employees combine formal coursework with formal on-the-job training
another popular method of training new employees and typically takes one of two forms: experienced employees working with new employees and professional coaches who work with all employees.
Pass-through programs
4. Delivering the Training Program
A formal method of coaching in which excellent employees spend a period of time in the training department learning training techniques and training employees.
4. Delivering the Training Program
An experienced employee who advises and looks out for a new employee
Skill-based Pay
5. Motivating Employees to Learn During Training
Compensating an employee who participates in a training program designed to increase a particular job-related skill
5. Motivating Employees to Learn During Training.
Providing employees with specific information about how well they are performing a task or series of tasks
Negative feedback
5. Motivating Employees to Learn During Training
Telling employees what they are doing incorrectly in order to improve their performance of a task
Transfer of Training
6. Ensuring Transfer of Training
The extent to which behavior learned in training will be performed on the job.
6. Ensuring Transfer of Training
Practicing a task even after it has been mastered in order to retain learning
8. Evaluating Training Results
A measure of job performance or knowledge taken before the implementation of a training program
8. Evaluating Training Results
A measure of job performance or knowledge taken after a training program has been completed.
Solomon four-groups
8. Evaluating Training Results
design an extensive method of evaluating the effectiveness of training with the use of pretests, posttests, and control groups
Employee Reactions
8. Evaluating Training Results
A method of evaluating training in which employees are asked their opinions of a training program
Employee learning
8. Evaluating Training Results
Evaluating the effectiveness of a training program by measuring how much employees learned from it.
Application of training
8. Evaluating Training Results
Measurement of the effectiveness of training by determining the extent to which employees apply the material taught in a training program.
Return on investment (ROI)
8. Evaluating Training Results
The amount of money an organization makes after subtracting the cost of training or other interventions.
- collection of people meeting the following criteria
- emphasize individual leadership, individual accountability and individual work products.
- a collection of three or more individuals who interact intensively to provide an organizational product, plan, decision, or service
- It is a formal group comprised of people interacting very close together with a shared commitment to accomplish agreed-upon objectives
- emphasize shared leadership, mutual accountability, and collective work products
it is the extent to which group members identify with the team rather than with other groups
The extent to which team members need and rely on other team members
Power differentiation
The extent to which team members have the same level of power and respect
Social distance
The extent to which team members treat each other in a friendly, informal manner
Conflict Management Tactics
Team members respond to conflict by collaborating, whereas nonteam members respond by forcing and accommodating
Negotiation Process
members negotiate in a win–win style in which the goal is for every person to come out ahead.
Skill-based pay
acquiring core skills and other additional skills before receiving incentives
Gain-sharing system
rewarding all team members based on performance of the organization, division or plant over some baseline data
Team bonus plan
similar to gain sharing except that the reward is given to specific team not the entire organization or division
Quality Circles
small groups of employees from the same work area who meet regularly to discuss and recommend solutions to workplace problems.
Work Teams
tend to be permanent like QCs but they are there than auxilliary committees, the teams that do the daily work
Problem Solving Teams
are temporary teams established to attack specific problems
Management Teams
consisting of managers from various areas, coordinate work teams
Product Development Teams
are combination of work teams and problem solving teams that create new designs for products or services that will satisfy customer needs
Virtual Teams
are teams that may never actually meet together in the same room - their activities take place on the computers via teleconferencing and other electronic information systems
Phases of Implementation
- Phase 1. Start-up
- Phase 2. Reality and unrest
- Phase 3. Leader-centered Teams
- Phase 4. Tightly formed teams
- Phase 5. Self-managing teams
The psychological and behavioral reaction to a perceptionthat another person is keeping you from reaching a goal, taking away your right to behave in a particular way, or violating the expectancies of a relationship.
Dysfunctional conflict
Group Conflict
Conflict that keeps people from working together, lessens productivity, spreads to other areas, or increases turnover.
Functional conflict
Group Conflict
Conflict that results in increased performance or better interpersonal relations
Interpersonal conflict
Types of Conflict
Conflict between two people.
Individual–group conflict
Types of Conflict
Conflict between an individual and the other members of a group.
Group–group conflict
Types of Conflict
Conflict between two or more groups
Competition for resources
Causes of Conflict
A cause of conflict that occurs when the demand for resources is greater than the resources available.
Task interdependence
Causes of Conflict
A potential source of conflict that arises when the completion of a task by one person affects the completion of a task by another person
Jurisdictional ambiguity
Causes of Conflict
Conflict caused by a disagreement about geographical territory or lines of authority.
Communication barriers
Causes of Conflict
Physical, cultural, and psychological obstacles that interfere with successful communication and create a source of conflict
Causes of Conflict
Relatively stable traits possessed by an individual
Avoiding style
Conflict Styles
The conflict style of a person who reacts to conflict by pretending that it does not exist
Accommodating style
Conflict Styles
The conflict style of a person who tends to respond to conflict by giving in to the other person
Forcing style
Conflict Styles
The conflict style of a person who responds to conflict by always trying to win.
Collaborating style
Conflict Styles
The conflict style of a person who wants a conflict resolved in such a way that both sides get what they want
Compromising style
Conflict Styles
A style of resolving conflicts in which an individual allows each side to get some of what it wants.