is a deliberate, organized and continuous process of identifying different elements and aspects of the environment
determining their present state and interaction, projecting them in concert throughout a period of time in the future
planning the making of an orderly sequence of actions that will lead to the achievement of a stated goal or goals. who?
peter hall
is the unified development of urban, communities, and their environs and states, regions and nations as a whole, as expressed through determination of the comprehensive, arrangement of land uses and land occupancy and their regulation
urban planning
refers to scientific, orderly and aesthetic disposition of land, buildings and resources, facilities and communication routes
pay attention to the manner by which collective goals and decisions becomes embedded in public policies and programs
urban planning
are not just human communities or political-administrative territories but part of and wider natural environment
cities and towns
the art and science of ordering the use of land and sitting of buildings and communication routes
town planning
town planning is the art and science of ordering the use of land and sitting of buildings and communications routes as to secure the maximum
lewis keeble
an attempt to formulate the principles that should guide us in creating civilized physical background
brian mcloughin
concerned with providing the right site, at the right time, in the right place for the right people
john ratcliffe
place making, creating a livable human spaces and natural communities
urban & regional planning
requires quantifiable tools as well as subjective creativity
science and art
requires the expertise of various disciplines; economics; engineering; sociology; architecture; law; geography etc
covers all aspects of man/woman and his/her environment; physical, social, economics, political administration and the natural environment
plan is prepared, approved, implemented, reviewed and evaluated, replan again based on new demands and needs of people
values the engagement of multi-sectoral stakeholders
unending process; always goes back to where it started; where the problems solved? goals and objectives attained? at what level of satisfaction?
plan must have a time perspective; short, medium, long range; basis for plan review and assessment
time bound
attributes of planning process
• science and art
• multi-disciplinary
• comprehensive
• dynamic
• continuous / iterative
• participatory
• cyclic / spiral
• time bound