Lesson 1 to 6 Flashcards
Maternal and child health nursing is a challenging role for nurses and a major factor in keeping families well and optimally functioning.
It is the controlled investigation of problems that have implications for nursing practice, provides evidence for practice and justification for implementing activities for outcome achievement, ultimately resulting in improved and cost-effective patient care.
Nursing Research
It is the number of deaths that occur as a direct result of the reproductive process per 100,000
live births.
Maternal Mortality Rate
Preventing further complications from an illness, bringing client back to an optimal state of wellness, helping client accept inevitable death.
Health Rehabilitation
The infant mortality rate which is the death of children between birth and exactly 1 year of age is an important indicator for child health. The denominator for such rate is _______
Number of life births in the same year
Which structure in the figure below sheds during menstruation?
What is the name of the tissue that creates the menses?
This is secreted by the ovary (follicle and corpus luteum), causes proliferation of the endometrium.
It is also responsible in developing and maintaining the female reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics associated with the adult female.
Mrs. Marianne Cruz, 23 years old and her husband desires to use natural family planning as their contraceptive method. Her menstrual cycle length is variable, ranging from 26 to 32 days.
She does not plan to measure her basal body temperature (BBT). The time of her fertility, with the first day of menses defined as day 1, would be between what cycle days?
Day 8 to 21
What is the muscle that is an extension of the abdominal muscles which can raise or lower the testes depending on the environmental temperature?
Cremaster Muscle
Wilma plans to use the rhythm method for contraception. She has a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days each month. What days during her menstrual cycle would be her fertile period?
Day 10 to 17
The mechanism of action of combined oral contraceptives is that _____ suppresses LH action
while ______ suppresses FSH action.
Ferning or arborization of the cervical mucus is brought about by the crystallization of sodium chloride on mucus fibers in the presence of elevated levels of estrogen. This pattern can be normally seen in which phase of the menstrual cycle?
A woman, who wishes to use the calendar method for contraception, reports that her last 6 menstrual cycles were 28, 32, 26, 33, 30, and 35 days long, respectively. In the future, if used correctly, she should abstain from intercourse on what days of her cycle?
day 8 to 24
Deaths of infants which is influenced by environmental and nutritional factors and not merely genetic and prenatal factors can be measured using:
A. Infant mortality rate
B. Maternal mortality rate
C. Neonatal mortality rate
D. Post neonatal mortality rate
It is important in evaluating the health of a nation because it reflects the overall quality of maternal health and prenatal care.
A. Infant mortality rate
B. Maternal morbidity rate
C. Fetal death rate
D. Maternal mortality rate
“Maternal and child health nursing includes a high degree of independent nursing functions, because teaching and counseling are minor interventions.” This statement is:
A. False because health teaching is an independent and major function of the nurse
B. False because health teaching is a collaborative and interdependent role of the
C. Neither true nor false.
D. True because health teaching is an interdependent function of the nurse.
The nurse functions effectively within nursing and inter professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect and shared decision making as they achieve quality patient care. This competency is known as:
A. Teamwork and collaboration
B. Patient care centered
C. Evidenced based practice
D. Quality improvement
The infant mortality rate of a community is 80/1,000 live births. This rate implies:
A. The community has poor environmental condition
B. Affluent residents live in the community
C. Very poor environmental condition that is detrimental to the health of inf
D. The data are not sufficient
The nurse instructs Cristina further into the process of ovulation. Which two statements below are TRUE?
A. At birth, each ovary contains probably 400,000 underdeveloped ova
B. Before puberty, the primordial cells produce estrogen
C. Normally, only one ovum matures in each cycle
D. The formation of Primordial cells continue until puberty
C and D
Which of the following, if stated by the client, would indicate that teaching about cervical mucus changes as an indicator for ovulation has been understood?
A. “If my cervical mucus is yellowish and thick, I am probably fertile.”
B. “the thin, clear mucus will block the sperm from getting into my cervix.”
C. “If my cervical mucus is thick and white, I will need to avoid intercourse or use back-up method of contraception
D. “If my cervical mucus is thin and watery, I am probably fertile.”
A client has been instructed that her cervical mucus will be tested using a spinnbarkeit test. The nurse should explain to the client that this will test her cervical mucus for:
A. Amount of ferning pattern
B. Stretchability
C. Level of progesterone
D. Level of cervical mucus
The nursing professor is discussing in the online lecture the differences between the male and female reproductive organs with emphasis on the organs that are homologous. Which of the following is incorrect?
A. Cowper’s gland - Skene’s glands
B. Scrotum - labia majora
C. Glans penis - clitoris
D. Spermatogenesis - oogenesis
The nurse is discussing reproductive health with female adolescents. She would explain which of the following as the chief function of the progesterone? Select all that applies.
A. Prevents lactation during pregnancy
B. Influences the increased supply of glycogen, arterial blood and amino acids in the endometrium
C. Decreases uterine contractility
D. Proliferation of vaginal epithelium
E. Prepares the breasts for lactation
All options are correct
A client is prescribed an OCP. The nurse has explained to the client about the non-contraceptive benefits of OCP.
The nurse determines that the client needs further instructions when the client says that the OCP decreases the incidence of:
A. Premenstrual syndrome
B. Blood clots
C. Fibrocystic breast disease
D. Endometrial cancer
Willy James asks the nurse about vasectomy. He understands that this is a minor operation and asks if he’ll become sterile immediately. The nurse’s best response is:
A. “If the procedure is done correctly, you’11 be sterile immediately.”
B. “You’ll be sterile in 2 to 3 days.”
C. “It may takes several weeks and as many as 30 to 40 ejaculations to remove all the live sperm.”
D. “No, you’ll remain fertile.”
Ana Gay decides to have Bilateral tubal ligation, during the immediate postoperative period, a priority assessment for Nurse Jocelyn to make is:
A. Presence of constipation
B. Nausea and vomiting
C. Abdominal distention
D. Bleeding
An individual’s or a couple’s choice of contraceptive method should be made carefully, with complete knowledge about the advantages, disadvantages and even the side effects. What are the important things that a couple should consider? Select all that apply.
A. Sensation effect
B. Cheapest or financial factors
C. Ability to use a method correctly
D. Environmental factors
B and C
A nursing student records the signs of her ovulation which likely includes:
Select all that apply.
A. Mittleschmerz
B. Increased quantity and pH of cervical secretions
C. Weight gain
D. Rise in BBT
A, B, D
An appointment to an Obstetrician’s office was scheduled by a cient because a home pregnancy test was performed and the results were positive. The nurse determines that the home pregnancy test identified the presence of what in the urine?
A 30 year old G2P1 (1001) seeks consult at the Obstetric Unit. A non-stress test is requested by her Ob-Gynecologist. While performing the non-stress test, the nurse told the mother the test showed: Baseline FHT-140’s, good variability, with more than
2 accelerations of 20 bpm lasting for 20 secs. The mother asked what this means. The tracing is interpreted by the nurse as __________
Michelle Marquez, a 19 y/o primigravid consulted on your clinic for her first prenatal check-up. The fundic height was measured to be at the level of umbilicus. Assuming that this is not a multifetal pregnancy and there is NO structural, or medical abnormality, approximately how many weeks AOG is this pregnancy?
20 weeks
Michelle Marquez, 18 year-old, Gravida 1 Para 0, 39-40 weeks AOG, was brought to the Delivery Suite due to labor pains: Internal examination shows: Cervix 3 cm, 60% effaced; intact BOW, station -2; cephalic presentation. Uterine contractions were occurring at every 5-6 minutes interval, 30 seconds duration; mild to moderate contractions. Michelle in this case is already in what phase of labor?
Latent Phase
Michelle Marquez, a 25-year-old Gravida 1 at 37 weeks exhibits with gross rupture of membranes. On cervical examination, she is observed to be 4 cm dilated, 90% effaced with the presenting part at -3 station. The presenting part is soft and felt to be the fetal buttock. Immediate bedside ultrasound reveals a presentation with both hips flexed and knees extended What type of breech presentation is described?
Frank Breech
During the interview, Michelle Marquez verbalized she has undergone ultrasound only 4 weeks ago. Based on the result, the inlet is well rounded forward and backward and the pubic arch is wide indicating pelvis is ideal for childbearing. This type of pelvis is called as.
Mrs. Michelle Marquez at delivery was assessed with a perineal laceration tore through the skin of the fourchette, vaginal mucous membrane, and the fascia and perineal muscles of the perineal body but not the anal sphincter or mucosa. This should be recorded in the medical record as what type of laceration?
Second Degree
The nurse informed a dient that the smallest head diameter of the fetus must be presented to the birth canal in order to best traverse / travel to the birth canal. What is the the smallest anteroposterior cranial diameter of a fetus?
Michelle Marquez, 23-year old G2P2 has just given birth to a live healthy term 2.8 kg baby girl via spontaneous vaginal delivery. She is stable with adequate response to post-delivery care and heading to an unremarkable puerperal stage..
At what time is her uterus expected to descend into the true pelvis?
after 2 weeks post partum
A pregnant woman informs the nurse that her last normal menstrual period was on September 20, 2023. Using Naegel’s rule, the nurse calculates the client’s estimated date of delivery as:
A. May 30, 2024
B. June 20, 2024
C. June 27, 2024
D. July 3, 2024
Nurse Joseph is organizing a prenatal class to Mrs. Michelle Marquez and friends about the fluctuations that occur during pregnancy and the essential of routine health care supervision throughout pregnancy. Which cardiovascular compensatory mechanisms should Nurse Joseph elucidate will occur?
Select all that apply.
A. Systemic vasodilation
B. Increased blood volume
C. Elevated blood pressure
D. Increased cardiac output
E. Enlargement of the heart
B, C, D
A 25 year old G1P0 seeks consult at a Maternity Clinic. A non-stress test was requested by the attending physician. During the procedure, the tracing displays a relatively flat line for fetal movement, making it difficult to evaluate the fetal heart rate (FHR). To mark the strip, the nurse in charge should instruct the client to push the control button at which time?
A. At the beginning of each fetal movement
B. At the beginning of each contraction
C. After every three fetal movements
D. At the end of fetal movement
A young couple in eager anticipation for their child’s birth asks, “When does the rudimentary foundation of the baby system such as brain and a heart beat are formed?” the nurse answers:
A. Third month
B. Second month
C. First month
D. Fourth month
When developing a series of parent classes on fetal development, which of the ff. would the nurse include as being developed by the end of the third month
(9-12 weeks)?
A. External genitalia
B. Myelenization of nerve
C. Brown fat store
D. Air ducts and alveoli
Michelle Marquez, a 24 y/o G2 P1 (1001) was admitted due to passage of watery discharge and beginning of regular abdominal cramps: Initial IE was 4 cm station -2. 4 hours later patient was 7cm dilated station -2, contractions came in regularly every 3-5 minutes lasting 50-60 seconds, which of the following actions are appropriate?
A. Augment labor with oxytocin
B. Observe progress of labor
C. Prepare patient for emergency CS
D. Give patient epidural anesthesia
E. Hydrate and place patient on left lateral decubitus
Before assessing the position of Michelle Marquez’s fundus, Nurse Joseph should:
A. Ask the patient to drink fluid to fill her bladder
B. Position the head of Michelle Marquez’s bed at 45 degrees
C. Ask Sarah Anne to empty her bladder
D. Ask her to refrain from drinking fluids for 30 minutes before the assessment
Nurse Joseph is conducting health teaching to Michelle in the postpartum unit. Neonates have difficulty maintaining their body temperature.
However, they have several mechanisms to help them maintain it: Which ones should a nurse consider when caring for a newborn? Select all that apply.
A. Flexed fetal position
B. Hepatic insulin stores
C. Brown fat metabolism
D. Peripheral Vasoconstriction
A, C, D
The nurse understands that which breast assessment finding is considered normal for the client who gave birth less than 24 hours ago?
A. Firm, hard to palpation
B. Cracks are noted in the nipple.
C. Red streaks surround the areola
D. Thin yellow drainage is noted from the nipple
Michelle Marquez, 32 year old G1P0 seeks consult for initial obstetric visit. Diagnostic procedures are requested and medications are given by the Obstetrician-Gynecologist. The nurse is conducting health teaching. At 20 weeks age of gestation, all of the following developments in the fetus has already occurred?
A. Start of production of lung surfactants
B. Downy lanugo hair surrounds the skin
C. Gender can be determined by UTZ
D. Physiologic herniation of the gut has occurred and production has began
B, C, D
Michelle Marquez, a healthy 20-year-old nursing student, GIPO presents for her first OB visit at 10 weeks gestational age. She denies any significant medical history both personally and in her family.
Which of the following tests are part of the recommended first trimester blood testing for this patient? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)
A. Complete blood count (CBC)
B. Screening for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
C. Hepatitis B surface antigen
D. Blood type and screen
A, B, C, D
Nurse Joseph assesses a primiparous client in labor for 20 hours. The nurse identifies late decelerations on the monitor and initiates standard procedures for the laboring client with this wave pattern. Which interventions should Nurse Joseph perform? Select all that apply-
A. Administering oxygen via mask to the client.
B. Questioning the client about the effectiveness of pain relief.
C. Placing the client on her side.
D. Applying an internal fetal monitor
A, C, E
Michelle Marquez is being admitted to the birthing unit. She states that “My water broke last night, but my labor started two hours ago. “ Which of the following is a concern?
Select all that apply.
A. VS: T 99.5, HR 80, R 24, BP 130/80 mmHg.
B. Blood and mucus on perineal pad.
C. Baseline fetal heart rate of 140 with a range between 100 and 160 with contractions.
D. Peripad stained with green fluid.
C, D
Michelle Marquez, G6 P5 is admitted to the labor unit and a urine specimen was obtained.
She asks to go to the bathroom and reports that she feels she has to move her bowels. Which Nurse Josephs’ actions would be appropriate?
Select all that apply.
A. Assisting her to the bathroom.
B. Applying an external fetal monitor to obtain fetal heart rate.
C. Assessing her stage of labor.
D. Asking if she had back labor pains likes with any of her other deliveries.
E. Checking the degree of fetal descent.
A, E
Demi Moore, 25 year old, G1 P0, 39 3/7 weeks AOG, was being monitored in the Obstetrical Unit. Which of the following is the least priority interventions of Nurse Joseph during the transition phase? Select all that apply.
A. Decrease IV fluid intake.
B. Help the client to maintain control.
C. Reduce the client’s discomfort with medications.
D Institute simple breathing patterns during contractions.
A, C, D
It’s now 24 hours since Katy’s delivery…
In accordance with the normal involution process, the nurse should locate Katy’s fundus in which of the following positions?
Midline, 1cm below the umbilicus
On the fifth day postpartum, the fundus is palpated at level of the umbilicus. This indicates which of the following:
A. The uterus has undergone normal involution process
B. The uterus has not undergone the normal involution process
C. The uterus is well contracted
8 to 10 cm dilated
Transition phase
4 to 7 cm dilated
Active Phase
0 to 3cm dilated
Latent Phase
Test given to newborn after birth
APGAR Scoring
Labor before fetus is matured
pre-term birth
labor is delayed
post term birth
What are the components of labor
passage, passenger, powers, psyche
Uppermost portion of the fetal skull
aids in molding of the fetal head
4 superior bones of the cranium
Frontal, occipital, 2 parietal
what are the other 4 bones that are least important
Sphenoid, Ethmoid, 2 temporal
what type of cephalic presentation is when the head is sharply flexed?
what type of cephalic presentation is when brown becomes the presenting part
what type of cephalic presentation is when the head is extended
what type of cephalic presentation is when the head is hyperextended
what type of breech presentation is when thighs are tightly flexed on the abdomen
complete breech
what type of breech presentation is when knees are extended to the chest
frank breech
what type of breech presentation is when neither thighs nor lower legs are flexed?
This is a false labor
braxton hicks contractions
end of pelvic division of labor
downward movement of the biparietal diameter
Intensity of contraction increases
Intensity of contraction decreases
contraction is at its strongest
shortening and thinning of cervical canal
what does inability to palpate the cervix mean?
it indicates complete effacement and dilation
what stage of labor starts with contractions and ends with fully dilated cervix?
Dilatation / 1st stage
what stage is from full dilatation to infant is born
2nd stage
what stage is from when an infant is born until the placenta is delivered
3rd stage or placental stage
contractions are mild here
latent phase
contractions grow stronger in this phase
active phase
contractions reach peak of intensity in this phase
transition phase
what lochia is mainly red color?
Lochia Rubra
what lochia is pink or brownish
lochia serosa
what lochia becomes colorless or white
lochia alba