FA 1 and 2 Flashcards
A 20 year old primigravida at 8 weeks gestation at 8 weeks gestation visits the clinic with symptoms of slight reddish vaginal bleeding and an occasional uterine cramp. The pregnancy test is positive. The patient states that no tissue has been passed. The nurse should explain to the patient that these symptoms are indication of abortion termed:
Threatened abortion
The under 5 Mortality rate which is the death of children between birth and exactly 5 years of age is an important indicator for child health. the denominator for such rate is ______
Total live births of the same year
Mrs. Angela Ortiz, 25 years old, G1P0, at 17 weeks gestation is diagnosed as having an intrauterine fetal demise. She returns to your office 5 weeks later and her vital signs are: blood pressure 80/52 mm Hg, pulse 103 beats per minute, temperature 38.5°C, respiratory rate 14 breaths per minute. She has not had a miscarriage, although she has had some occasional spotting. Her cervix is closed on examination. The nurse knows the diagnosis of this condition is ______
Septic abortion
A 25-year-old client is admitted with the following history: 12 weeks pregnant, vaginal bleeding, no fetal heartbeat heard on ultrasound. The nurse would expect the doctor to write ______ as an order to prepare the client
Dilatation and Curettage
Which of the following human genetic disorders is NOT caused by nondisjunction?
A. Down’s syndrome
B. Turner’s syndrome
C. Klinefelter syndrome
D. Fragile X syndrome
Which statement made by a parent indicates correct understanding of autosomal recessive genetic disorders?
A. They affect males greater than females
B. Affected males can only have carrier daughters
C. An affected child will always have an affected parent
The clients have one child with Tay-Sachs disease, but neither of the clients have the disease.
They are in the clinic for genetic counseling prior to conceiving another child. Which of the following is a characteristic of a recessive human disease?
A. If both parents are affected, all of the offspring will have the disease.
B. If one parent is affected, half of the offspring will have the disease.
C. Two unaffected parents can have affected offspring
Lotlot Mosang, a 15-year old high school graduate, her first pregnancy on her 20 weeks gestation sought consultation at your clinic for her initial prenatal visit. History revealed that this is an unpleasant pregnancy with her 3 boyfriend who broke up with her upon hearing about the pregnancy. During the 1* 3-months of her pregnancy, she had several episodes of nausea a vomiting for which she noticed apparent weight loss. Which of the following reasons could lead to mortality of botlet Mosang?
A. Domestic Violence
B. Weak Referral System
C. Young age and first pregnancy
Mrs. Abigail Madrid, G1P1, 25 years old delivered by cesarean section to a live baby girl. The newborn is diagnosed of 47XX18+.
Which of the following conclusions can
Nurse Karen make about the female baby?
(Select all that apply)-
A. She has Edward’s syndrome
B. She has normal chromosomes
C. She has Patau syndrome
D. It is a result of nondisjunction
E. It is a result of mosaicism
Gestational trophoblastic disease occurred during fertilization, when the egg cell was fertilized with more than one sperm cell producing fertilized egg cell containing ______ chromosomes
After performing chorionic villi sampling on Mrs. Abigail Madrid, 25 years old, G1P0, the results showed that the fetus has 46XX, 47XY21+. Which of the following statement is true about this condition?
(Select all that apply)-
A. This is a form of Down syndrome
B. This is a result of mosaicism
C. This is a result of nondisjunction.
D. This is a result of translocation
E. The chromosomal abnormality happens after fertilization
An adolescent primigravid client at 26 weeks gestation who has gained 25 pounds since becoming pregnant visits the prenatal dinic for a routine visit. Which of the following is the recommended amount of weight gain during the third trimester?
A. 1 pound a week
B. 2 pourds per week
C. 7 pounds per month
A G1P0 confirmed to be pregnant at 14 weeks gestation has sudden bright red vaginal bleeding and uterine cramps. She also has watery vaginal discharge before consultation.
Internal examination revealed 5 - 6 centimeters cervical dilatation, with BOW ruptured. The nurse would suspect the dient to be experiencing what bleeding conditions?
A. Inevitable Abortion
A gravid woman has just been admitted to the emergency department subsequent to a head-on automobile accident. Her body appears to be uninjured. The nurse carefully monitors the woman for which of the following complications of pregnancy?
(Select all that apply)
A. Placenta previa.
B. Transverse fetal Tie.
C. Placental abruption.
D. Preterm labor
Mrs. Ortiz, amenorrheic for two months is diagnosed to have ectopic pregnancy based on the sign and symptoms of sudden, severe low quadrant pain radiating to the shoulder;
Cullen sign and minimal external vaginal bleeding. Which of the following actions would be implemented?
A. Monitoring of vital signs
B. Performing abdominal scrub in preparation for CS
C. Repositioning of the client to the left
A nurse is caring for four prenatal clients in the clinic. Which among these women presents the most relevant risk factor for spontaneous abortion?
A. A 24-year-old G3P2 (1100) on her 16th week of pregnancy.
B. A 38-year-old G1P0 on her 6th week of pregnancy.
C. A 30-year-old G1P0 on her 10th week of pregnancy, with a husband who is 44 years of age
D. A 28-year-old G3P2 (0020) on her 8th week pregnancy, with a husband 29 years of age
A 26-year-old woman whose last menstrual period (LMP) was 2 12 months ago develops bleeding, uterine cramps, and passes tissue per vagina. Two hours later, she is still bleeding heavily. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Twin pregnancy
B. Threatened abortion
C. Inevitable abortion
D. Premature labor
E. Incomplete abortion
Which of the following findings would the nurse expect to see when assessing a first-trimester gravida suspected of having gestational trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform mole) that the nurse would not expect to see when assessing a first-trimester gravida with a normal pregnancy? (Select all that apply)
A. Hematocrit 39%.
B. Grape-like clusters passed from the vagina.
C. Markedly elevated blood pressure.
D. White blood cell count 8,000/mm 3
E. Hypertrophied breast tissue.
B and C
A multigravid mother Patricia Javier at 38 weeks gestation is admitted to the hospital’s birthing center with dark, scant vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain. The nurse observes frequent low - amplitude uterine activity while the client’s contraction pattern is externally monitored. Which of the following would the nurse suspect?
A. Abruptio placenta
B. Placenta previa
C. Placenta accrete
Patient V.V.A, 38-year-old G4P3 at 18
weeks age of gestation has BP of 150/100
mmHg with no other signs and symptoms. Her prepregnancy BP was
130-140 / 80-90 mmHg controlled by intake of a calcium channel blocker.
Urinalysis is negative for proteinuria. The nurse correctly identifies this as what type of hypertensive disorder during pregnancy?
chronic hypertension
D.C.C, 17 y/o. primigravid registers á weeks gestation with a BP of 100/60. At weeks gestation, she is seen in the clinic with a BP of 146/94 and negative proteinuria. She is admitted in the hospital for further evaluation, where, on overnight observation, she has persistent BP of 140/90. A 24-hour urine protein determination is 20 mg. The nurse correctly identifies that this is what type of hypertensive disorder in pregnancy?
Gestational Hypertension
T.I.N., a 19-year-old, primigravida, at 34 weeks’ gestation comes in for severe headache and visual blurring. Previous blood pressure on prior prenatal checkup at 14 weeks was at 120/80 mm Hg. Presently, her blood pressure was 170/110 mm Hg. She presented with bipedal edema. There were no uterine contractions. Then she developed generalized tonic-conic seizures lasting for about 40 secs. What is the most likely type of hypertensive disorder in pregnancy?
A 25 year old G1P0, 38-39 wks. AOG consulted at the emergency room due to labor pains. She has no prenatal check-ups and family history revealed diabetes mellitus in sister and mother. Abdominal
exam revealed fundic height = 40 cm, uterine
contractions every 2-3 mins, 45-50 secs. duration. Internal exam has remained unchanged at 6 cms dilated, fully effaced, station -2, cephalic, (- BOW for the past 2 12 hrs. The serious complication during vaginal delivery of this baby where there is arrest in delivery of the shoulder is:
Shoulder dystocia
J.C.R., 23-year-old G1 at 35 weeks age of gestation comes in for severe headache and visual blurring. On prenatal checkup 1 week prior, her BP was noted to be 130/85 mmHg from her usual 110/70. On examination, BP was now at 160/110 mmg, FHT 140/min, no contractions after ten minutes of observation. Cervix was 1cm, 30% effaced, intact membrane station. What is the most likely type of hypertensive disorder in pregnancy?
Severe preeclampsia
The nurse clinical instructor is supervising nursing students monitoring a laboring client in the Obstetrical Unit. During the discussion of abnormalities of labor, what division/phase of labor is most sensitive to analgesia and maternal sedation?
Preparatory division
A pregnant client was admitted to the labor room. An assessment is
performed, and the nurse notes that the fetus is at -1 station. Monitoring of the client was done by the nurse. The nurse informed a pregnant client in labor that the smallest head diameter of the fetus must be presented to the birth canal in order to best traverse/travel to the birth canal. What is the smallest anterioposterior cranial diameter
Suboccipito fragmatic
A 4 ft 11 in Southeast Asian woman has an estimated fetal weight by ultrasound of 4,000 g. To estimate the pelvic capacity, you perform clinical pelvimetry. The nurse estimate that pelvic outlet is adequate, but there might be a problem in the midpelvis. The interspinous diameter of a normal pelvis should be at least how many centimeters?
The nurse is monitoring a client who is in the active stage of labor. The client has been experiencing contractions that are short, irregular, and weak. The nurse documents that the client is experiencing what type of labor dysfunction?
A 32-year-old G1P0 diabetic patient unsure of the date of her last menstrual period (LMP) sought her first prenatal checkup. She says that she missed three menses, but her fundus is palpated slightly below the level of umbilicus. The physician requested for ultrasonography to estimate the gestational age. Family history is positive for DM (father). When should the nurse advise the client to have GCT checked?
24th to 28th week
Julie a 16-year-old primigravid comes to the prenatal clinic for her monthly check-up.
She has gained 20 ib from her 30-36 weeks, with edema of the face and hands. She is diagnosed as having severe preeclampsia and was referred to the high-risk Obstetrical Unit.
The client’s weight increase is most likely due
A. Hypertension
B. Overeating
C. Fluid retention
D. Obesity
- The nurse conducts a prenatal class on high risk factors during pregnancy. Several participants in the prenatal class complain of frequent urination.
The nurse correctly explains to the group that the most commonly assessed findings in cystitis are which of the following?
A. Frequency, urgency, hematuria, nausea, chills, and flank pain
B. Nocturia, frequency, urgency, dysuria,
A 21 year old primigravida in labor for 10 hours presented with a 6 cm cervical dilatation. The nurse midwife is monitoring the patient. The bag of waters ruptured and the presenting fetal head was palpated at station 0. What conclusion regarding the pelvis can be made by the nurse?
A. pelvic inlet is adequate
B. pelvic midplane is adequate
C. pelvic inlet is inadequate
D. pelvic midplane is inadequate
- A 31 year old, primigravid was admitted 5 cms. 50% effeaced, cephalic, station -1 at 12 noon. In an hour she was 7cm, 60% effaced, station 0. At 2 pm she was 9 cm, fully effaced, Station +1 and was fully dilated at 3 pm. The correct assessment of the nurse is which of the following?
A. Normal labor
B. Precipitate labor
C. Protracted descent
D. Protracted active phase dilatation
- A primigravid was brought to the ER by the attending nurse-midwife after 10 hours of labor.
Apparently she has been bearing down for 2 hours already. Exam showed that the fetal scalp is visible at the introitus without separating the labia. The sagittal suture was at AP diameter. The mother appeared weakened by her efforts to bear down.
The nurse would understand that the best management for this patient is which of the following?
A. Strong fundal pressure
B. Outlet forceps extraction
C. Cesarean section
- Nurse A.K.A in the Obstetrical Unit is monitoring Mrs. A.D. L, 25 years old, G1P0.
Internal examination revealed 3-4cm cervical dilatation, 50% effaced, +(BOW), Station -1, cephalic with uncoordinated uterine contractions that are erratic in their frequency, duration, and intensity.
Which of the following nursing actions should be included in the priority of Nurse A.K.A?
A. Provide pain relief measures
B. Prepare the client for an amniotomy
C. Promote ambulation every 30 minutes
- Nurse A.KA. is performing an assessment on Mrs. AD.L., who tested positive for HCG.
Which assessment findings by Nurse A.K.A. does indicate that Mrs. Angel is at risk for preterm labor?
A. Mrs. A.D.L. is 35 years old primigravida
B. Mrs. A.DiL. ‘s hemoglobin level is 13.5 g/dI.
C. Mrs. A.D.L. is a 20 year old primigravida of average weight and height
D. Mrs. A.D.L.’s hemoglobin level is 10.5 g/dl
- Nurse A.K.A is monitoring Mrs. A.D.L., GIPO, who is at 6 cms cervical dilatation, 80% effaced, (+)BOW, Station O who is experiencing labor dysfunction. Nurse A.K.A. concludes that which risk factors in Mrs. A.D.L’s history categorized her at risk for this complication,
A. Age 54 years
B. Body mass index of 28
C. Previous difficulty with infertility
D. Potassium level of 3.5 mEq/L
- A 19 - year - old client just finding out that she is approximately 8 weeks pregnant says “I can’t believe I’m pregnant. I just started college full - time!”. The nurse interprets the dient’s statement as indicating which of the following?
A. Ambivalence about pregnancy
B. Disappointment about the pregnancy
C. Abortion is a likely option
D. Bonding maybe difficult after delivery
- Because of normal physiologic changes, CBC results in the sixth month of pregnancy are expected to show
A. An increase in the Hematocrit
B. A decrease in the Hematocrit
C. An increase in the hemoglobin to meet the requirements of the fetus
D. No change in the blood levels since the body will maintain homeostasis
A client at a follow up appointment after having a miscarriage 2 weeks previously yells at the nurse, “How could God do this to me?
I’ve never done anything wrong”. Which of the following responses by the nurse would be most appropriate at this time?
A. “God can handle your anger. It’s OK”
B. “I know you are angry. It’s so hard to lose your baby”
C. “It isn’t God’s fault. It was an accident”
D. “You’re a strong person. You will through this.”
- After teaching a primigravid dient at 10 weeks gestation about the recommendations for exercise during pregnancy, which of the following dient statements indicates successful teaching?
A. “While pregnant, I should avoid contact sports’
B. “Even though I’m pregnant, I can learn to ski next month”
C. “While we are on vacation next month, I can continue to scuba dive”
D. “Sitting in a hot tub after exercise will help me to relax”