Lesson 1 - The Huang Valley Flashcards
What is loess?
A fine dust-like material which can form soil.
What is a dike?
A large barrier which holds back water.
What are oracle bones?
An animal’s bone or shell carved with written characters which was used to predict the future in ancient China.
What is a pictograph?
A picture that represent a word or idea.
What is a logograph?
A symbol that represent a word or group of words.
What are China’s 2 main rivers?
The Huang(Yellow) and the Yangtze(Chang).
Describe the Yellow (Huang) river.
The Yellow river got its name from the loess which deposits into the river and makes the water a muddy-yellowish color. Every e in a while, the river would flood and make the ground around the river very fertile with very rich soil.
How did China’s geographical features affect it?
China is surrounded by two large deserts, the Gobi and the Taklimakan. The Himalayas also create a wall between China and India. These features do help chinese civilizations because it forms a barrier so people cant get in, but it also makes information and ideas spreading difficult and governing vast lands difficult.
How did the Shang government work?
The Shang kept power in the family because the Shang rulers were a dynasty or a ruling family. Shang rulers used their wealth to build walled cities.
What material was used for special occasions?