Lesson 1: Sex, Gender, Sexuality Flashcards
the biological aspect of sex; maleness or femaleness
penis and testicles for males and vagina for females
sex is determined by examining
- genitals
- sex chromosomes
- level of hormones
individuals with composite genitals (possessing some characteristics of both male and female genitals)
Intersex/ Intersexuality
chromosomal markers that distinguish females (XX) from male (XY) species
Sex chromosomes
higher levels of testosterone for males “associated to sex drive and aggressions” while higher levels of estrogen and progesterone for females “associated to lactation, menstruation, etc.”
the social interpretation of sex; masculinity, femininity, etc.
• For example: color blue is associated with boyhood and color pink associated with girlhood
the phenomenon of determining the normality of a behavior based on whether it conforms or not to the expectations relative to one’s biological sex.
the totality of our own experience (feelings, thoughts,
attractions, and behaviors) of our sex and gender
what are the important aspects of our gender
- sexual orientation
- gender identity
our emotional and sexual attraction to a person (i.e., heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual)
sexual orientation
our sense of who we are (i.e., man, woman, or neither)
gender identity
how a person express his or her gender
gender expression
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and
Gender Expression)
A person’s internal sense of identity.
A person’s emotional and sexual attraction to others.
It has two main categories: male or female.
How a person expresses their gender.
emphasized that
“we can only truly tell if the person is gay, lesbian, or bisexual if the person shares with us his or her experiences and feelings of attraction towards them.”
Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP)
nature and nurture play a complex role in shaping our sexual orientation.
American Psychological Association (APA)
Provide an inclusive, safe, and nonjudgmental environment where a person can share personal and sensitive topic.
Appreciating Diversity