Lesson 1: Research And It's Importance Flashcards
It is the systematic study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
Research begins with a question. (3)
everyday life experiences
individual curiosities
random observations
You do this when you gather information to seek answer to your question.
2 Types of Research
Basic Research
Applied Reseach
PURPOSE: To gain better understanding of a particular problem or phenomenon.
Basic Research
OUTCOME: New ideas, concepts, and/or theories that broaden understanding but may not be applicable in real life.
Basic Research
Mostly theoretical and is not directly applicable to real-life problems and concerns.
Basic Research
PURPOSE: To find solutions to actual problems.
Applied Research
OUTCOME: New ideas and concepts that have direct real-life application.
Applied Research
Has obvious and immediate applications.
Applied Research
Produces knowledge to understand the world better.
Basic Research
Uses this knowledge in the daily lives of people.
Applied Research
3 Importance of Research
- It helps us understand the world better.
- It allows us to find answers to problems.
- It enables us to evaluate our answers to different problems.