The philosophy that a particular knowledge
can only be true if it can be observed in a
sensorial manner
The study of history as a historical discipline
The belief that history should be studied only for its own sake
posited that the term history has evolved from its present connotation.
Gottschalk (1969)
Etymologically, history was taken from the Greek
ἱστορία - historia
“knowledge acquired
by investigation, inquiry, or learn.”
ἱστορία - historia
is concerned with the study of the human past
defined history as “mga
pangyayari na may saysay para sa grupo ng taong sinaysayan
Dr. Zeus Salazar
history is a study of human achievements. Whatever differences
historians may give, still the term suggests past events.
Edward Hallett Carr,
history is not just the past, but also
principally the present and future.
history can never be and will never be for
oneself. It is always for one person.
Keith Jenkins,
defined history as the
dynamic process of dealing with the past in
which the stages or aspects of development are interrelated, brought upon
by the understanding of the present and the
Dr. Samuel K. Tan
who emphasized that history is the
achievement of man not the individual but the collective.
Renato Constantino
Llewelyn and Thompson (2020), history is the study
of the past, specifically the people, societies, events, and
problems of the past as well as our attempts to understand them.
It is a pursuit common to all human societies.
Llewelyn and Thompson
father of modern math and cartesian plane
Rene Descartes
It means that unless a written
document can prove a certain historical event, then it cannot be
considered a historical fact (San Juan, n.d.).
Traditional historians lived with the mantra of
“no document, no history.”
History is the record of what one age finds worthy of note in another
History, in its broadest sense, is everything that ever happened.
- Henry Johnson
The value and interest of history depend largely on the degree
to which the present illuminated the past.
- V.S. Smith
- History is the story of man’s struggle through the ages against
nature and the elements; against wild beasts and the jungle and
some of his own kind who have tried to keep him down and to
exploit him for their own benefit.
- Jawaharal
is a discipline or a
field of study and investigation that is primarily concerned with
human activities done in the past.
, the writing of history,
especially the writing of history based on the critical examination
of sources, the selection of details from the authentic materials in
those sources, and the synthesis of those details into a narrative
that stands the test of critical examination.
is a school of thought
that emerged between the eighteenth and nineteenth century.
This thought requires evidence before one can claim that a
particular knowledge is true.
Father of Positivism
Auguste Comte (1798 – 1857)
is the school of thought
that emerged in the early twentieth century when formerly
colonized nations grappled with the idea of creating their identities
and understanding their societies against the shadows of their
colonial past.
Father of History
Herodotus (485 B.C. – 425 B.C.)