Lesson 1: Kinship, Marriage, Household Flashcards
the newly-wed couple stays at or near the residence of either their parents
Bilocal (residence)
enumerate the variation in family patterns
Based on:
1. Descent
2. Internal Organization
3. Origin
4. Residence
5. Who wields power
the legal pov on marriage
viewed as a contract
relationship based on bloodline
consanguineal kin
a family where more than one nuclear family resides; it extends past the nuclear family
Extended Family (internal organization)
relationship based on marriage
affinal kin
the marriage of more than two women to more than two men
group marriage
refers to any combination of male or female linkages
enumerate the 3 types of kinship
fictive kinship
consanguineal kin
affinal kin
Descents are traced back to the father’s side of the family
Patrilineal Family (Descent)
relationship that isn’t blood related
fictive kinship
a nuclear family of adult partners and their children where the marriage bond is important and stressed
Conjugal Family (internal organization)
Family we create/establish when we get married
Family of Procreation
relationships based on blood or marriage
an example of kinship by ritual
Descents are traced back to the mother’s side of the family
Matrilineal Family (Descent)
enumerate the 3 types of marriages
polygamy (polygyny & polyandry)
group marriage
both parents share authority in the family
Egalitarian Family (who wields power)
the religious pov on marriage
viewed as a sacrament
the authority is vested on the oldest male or the father in the family
Patriarchal Family (Who wields power)
the newly-wed couple stays at or near the residence of the groom’s maternal uncle
Avunculocal (residence)
Family we are born into
Family of Orientation (origin)
refers to a membership resting on either patrilineal or matrilineal
the marriage of one man to many women
the newly-wed couple stays at or near the residence of the groom’s parents
Patrilocal (residence)
the authority is vested on the mother in the family
Matriarchal Family (who wields power)
its membership depends on common descents/ancestors
descent/kinship by blood
the newly-wed couple stays at or near the residence of the bride’s parents
Matrilocal (residence)
the marriage of one man to one woman
Descents are traced back to the both side of the parents
Bilateral Family (descent)
the newly-wed couple resides independently
Neolocal (residence)
the marriage of one woman to many men
enumerate the 2 types of kinship by blood