Lesson 1: Introduction to Analytics Flashcards
A big data characteristic related to consistency, accuracy, quality, and trustworthiness
The popular representation of the relationship between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom in the DIKW Pyramid
Knowledge Hierarchy
Help a business optimize its performance, perform more efficiently, maximize profit, or make more strategically-guided decisions.
Data analytics
refers to data that is so large, fast or complex that it’s difficult or impossible to process using traditional methods
big data
The process of parsing historical data to better understand the changes that have occurred in a business
descriptive analytics
Refers to the rate of change and lifetime. Organizations need to understand how long a specific type of data is valid.
The use of data, statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data.
predictive analytics
is the process of analyzing digital data from various sources like websites, mobile applications, among others
digital analytics
the value obtained through the use of analytics
the process of using data to determined an optimal course of action
prescriptive analytics
The systematic computational analysis of data or statistics
information resulting from the systematic analysis of data or statistics
Highest awards on TQM
Deming prize
Quality guru
Dr. W. Edwards Deming
Deming was referring to the use of data to improve ______
manufacturing quality
lots and lots and lots of data
Different forms of data! Structured + Unstructured
Analysis of streaming data
Uncertainty of data
Validity of data
Law of Men: He predicted that the number of transistors on a chip would double
roughly every two years, with a minimal rise in cost
1965, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore
Law of Men: “I would expect that next year, people will share twice as
much information as they share this year, and next year,
they will be sharing twice as much as they did the year
Mark Zuckerberg
In God we trust, all others must bring data.
Adam Breckler
•Assess web content problems so that they can be rectified
•Have a clear perspective of website trends
•Monitor web traffic and user flow
•Demonstrate goals acquisition
•Figure out potential keywords
•Identify segments for improvement
•Find out referring sources
Web Analytics Process