Lesson 1: Human Factors and Aeronautical Decision Making Flashcards
Supplemental Oxygen Requirements: above 12,500 feet MSL up to 14,000 feet MSL?
Flight crew must use supplemental oxygen for that part of the flight at those altitudes that is more than 30 minutes duration.
REG 91.211(a)
Supplemental Oxygen requirements above 14,000 feet MSL?
Flight crew is provided with and uses supplemental oxygen during the entire flight time.
REG 91.211(a)
Supplemental Oxygen requirements above 15,00 feet MSL?
Each occupant of the aircraft is provided with and uses supplemental oxygen during the entire flight time.
REG 91.211(a)
Student Pilot
● Can solo an airplane with appropriate endorsements from an instructor
● Can NOT take passengers solo
● Apply for Certificate on IACRA.faa.gov
Private Pilot
● You can legally fly solo or with passengers
● You MAY NOT receive compensation!
● Pro Rata Share
○ Oil, Fuel, Airport Fees, Aircraft Rental
Instrument Rating
● A student pilot or new private pilot can NOT fly into the clouds.
● You will fly under VFR (Visual Flight Rules)
● You can add an instrument rating to your certificate. Then you can fly into the clouds under IFR (Instrument Flight Rules)
● Not a new certificate, but a rating that gets added to your certificate.
Commercial Pilot
● Can get paid to fly! HOORAY!
● But… not for the airlines.
● Cargo, Parachute Jump, Banner Towing, Cropdusting
Airline Transport Pilot (ATP)
● Fly for the airlines!
● Most airlines will train and get you
this certificate!
● You can get hired without it.
● 1,500 flight hours required*
Obtaining a Private Pilot Certificate
● Be at least 17 years old
● Read speak and understand English
● Receive the required ground training: 141 or 61
● Pass FAA written test
○ Endorsement from instructor
● Receive the required flight training and experience: 141 or 61
● Pass a check ride with a Designated Pilot Examiner
○ Endorsement from instructor
○ Oral and a flight portion
What is Hypoxia?
What are the 4 types?
“Reduced oxygen” or “ not enough oxygen”
Hypoxic Hypoxia
“Insufficient oxygen available to the body”
A decrease in oxygen at sufficient pressure at high altitudes.
Remedies: Descend, Supplemental oxygen
Hypemic Hypoxia
“Not enough blood”
Occurs when blood is not able to carry oxygen to the cells.
Causes: most common is Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Also Anemia, or reduced blood volume from severe bleeding.
Remedies: Close cabin heat, open windows.
Stagnant Hypoxia
“Not Flowing”
Causes: In flight, excessive acceleration of gravity (Gs).
An arm or leg “falling asleep” is also Stagnant Hypoxia.
Histotoxic Hypoxia
“Poisonous Cells”
Inability of cells to effectively use oxygen.
Causes: Alcohol or Drugs
One ounce of alcohol can equate to additional 2,000 feet of physiological altitude.
Symptoms of Hypoxia
• Cyanosis (blue lips and fingernails)
• Headache
• Impaired Judgment
• Euphoria
• Visual Impairment
• Drowsiness
• Lightheaded
• Tingling in fingers and Toes
• Numbness
Over exhalation of carbon dioxide
Anxiety, Panic
● Rapid breathing
● Shortness of breath
● Pass Out
● Hot and Cold Sensations
● Deep breaths
● Breath into paper bag
● Speak
Middle Ear and Sinus Problems
Causes: pressure between atmospheric / cabin vs.
your body
Remedies: pop your ears, slow decent
Eustachian Tube: Opens when you yawn, chew, swallow.
A cold or nasal allergic condition can produce a sinus block, wry painful at the sinus area. Also upper teeth can ache and bloody mucus may discharge.
Don’t fly with a cold,
Spatial Disorientation
Lack of orientation with regard to position, altitude, or movement of the airplane in space.
Coping with it:
● Avoid IMC
● Stay VFR
● Trust your instruments
● Get your instrument rating
What are the 3 integrated systems the body uses that work together to ascertain orientation and movement in space?
Vestibular system:
Inner ear organs, that sense position based on the way we are balanced.
Somatosensory system:
nerves in the skin, muscles, joints, that sense position based on gravity, feeling and sound.
Visual system: eyes, which sense position based in what is seen.
REG 91.17 Alchol
Eight hours bottle to throttle
BAC Less than .04
Not “under the influence”