Lesson 1, Ch. 2 Flashcards
Anatomic reference systems
Terms used to describe the location of body planes, directions and cavities and structural units
Structures of the body
The cells, tissues and glands that form the body systems that work together to enable the body to function properly
The genetic components that transfer characteristics from parents to the child
A group of similarly specialized cells that work together to perform specific functions
A group of specialized cells that is capable of producing secretions
Body systems and related organs
Organs are somewhat independent parts of the body that performs specific functions. Organs with related functions are organized into body systems
The study of the nature and cause of disease that involve changes in structure and function
Before, front
Lower part of body, tail
Cyt/o, -cyte
End-, endo-
In, within, inside
Out of, outside, away from
The science or study of
Path/o, -pathy
Disease, suffering, feeling, emotion
Pla/i, plas/o, -plasia
Development, growth, formation
Behind, toward the back
-stasis, -static
Control, maintenance of a constant level
Abdominal cavity
The cavity that contains the major organs of digestion
The surgical removal of a gland
A malignant tumor that originates in glandular tissue. Aden/o means gland, carcin means cancerous, -oma means tumor
A benign tumor that arises in or resembles glandular tissue. Aden means gland, -oma means tumor
Abnormal softening of a gland. Aden/o means gland, -malaria means abnormal softening
Abnormal hardening of a gland. Aden/o means gland, -sclerosis means abnormal hardening
A change in the structure of cells and in their orientation to each other. Ana- means backward, -plasma means formation.this abnormal cell development is characteristic of tumor formation in cancers
The study of the structures of the body
A deviation from what is regarded as normal
Situated in front, also known as central surface. Ex. The stomach is located anterior to (in front of) the pancreas. Also used in reference to the ventral surface of the body
The defective development or congenital absence of an organ or tissue. A- means without, -plasia means formation
Bloodborne transmission
The spread of a disease through contact with blood or other body fluids contaminated with blood
Toward the lower part of the body
Toward the head
A genetic structure located within the nucleus of each cell. Made up of DNA molecular containing the body’s genes. Each chromosome contains about 100,000 genes
Communicable disease
Any disease transmitted from one person to another either directly or by indirect contact with contaminated objects
Congenital disorder
An abnormal condition that exists at the time of birth
The material located within the cell membrane that is not part of the nucleus. Cyt/o means cell, -plasm means formative material of cells
Situated farthest from the midline or beginning of a body structure. Ex. The distal end of the humerus forms part of the elbow.
Back of the body or organ
Abnormal development or growth of cells, tissues or organs. Dys- means bad, -plasma means formation
Referring to the ongoing presence of a disease, such as a common cold, within a population, group or area. En- means within, dem means population, -ic means pertaining to
Endocrine glands
Glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. Endo- means within,-crine means to secrete.
A sudden and widespread outbreak of a disease within a specific population group or area. Epi- means above, dem means population, -ic means pertaining to
Epigastric region
The region located above the stomach. Epi- means above, gastr means stomach, -ic means pertaining to
The study of the causes of diseases
Exocrine glands
Glands that secrete chemical substances into ducts leading either to other organs or out of the body. Exo- means out of, -crine means to secrete
Functional disorder
Produces symptoms for which no physiological or anatomical cause can be identified
Genetic disorder
A pathological condition caused by an absent or defective gene, also known as hereditary disorder.
A physician who specializes in the care of older people
A group of hereditary bleeding disorders in which a blood-clotting factor is missing. This blood coagulation disorder is characterized by spontaneous hemorrhages or sever bleeding following an injury
The microscopic study of the structure, composition function of tissues. Hist means tissue, -ology means study of
The process through which the body maintains a constant internal environment . Home/o means constant, -stasis means control
The enlargement of an organ or tissue because of an abnormal increase in the number of cells in the tissues. Hyper- means excessive, -plasma means formation
A general increase in the bulk of a body part or organ that is due to an increase in the size, but not in the number, of the cells in the tissues. Hyper- means excessive, -trophy means development
Hypogastric region
The region of the abdomen that is located below the stomach. Hypo-means below, gastr means stomach, -ic means pertaining to
The incomplete development of an organ or tissue usually due to a deficiency in the number of cells. Hypo- means deficient, -plasma means formation
iatrogenic illness
Unfavorable response due to a prescribed medical treatment .
idiopathic disorder
An illness without known cause. idi/o means peculiar to the individual, path means disease, -ic means pertaining to
Infectious disease
Illness caused by a living pathogenic organisms such as bacteria and viruses
Relating to the groin, refers to the entire lower portion of the abdomen including the groin
The direction toward or nearer the midline. Ex. The medial ligament of the knee is near the inner surface of the leg
The fused double layer of the parietal peritoneum that attaches parts of the intestine to the interior abdominal wall
Midsagittal plane
The vertical plane that divides the body, from top to bottom, into equal left and right halves
Nosocomial infection
A disease acquired in a hospital or clinical setting. Nosocomial comes from Greek word hospital
A disease outbreak occurring over a large geographic area, possibly worldwide. Pan- means entire, dem means population, -ic means pertaining to
Pelvic cavity
The space formed by the hip bones that contains the organs of the reproductive and excretory systems
The multilayered membrane that protects and holds the organs in place within the abdominal cavity
Inflammation of the peritoneum
A genetic disorder in which the essential digestive enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase is missing. Without early detection and treatment, PKU causes severe intellectual disability, formerly referred to as mental retardation
The study of the functions of the body structures. Physi- means nature or physical, -ology means study of
Situated in back or on the back part of an organ. Also known as dorsal surface. Poster means back or toward the back, -ior means pertaining to. Ex. The pancreas is located posterior to (behind) the stomach.
Situated nearest the midline or beginning of a body structure. Ex. The proximal end of the humerus bone (bone of the upper arm) forms part of the shoulder
Located behind the peritoneum. Retro- means behind, periton means peritoneum, -eal means pertaining to
Stem cells
Unspecialized cells that renew themselves for long periods of time through cell division
Thoracic cavity
The cavity that surrounds and protects the heart and the lungs, also known as chest cavity
Transverse plane
The horizontal plane that divides the body into upper and lower portions
The pit in the center of the abdominal wall that marks where the umbilical cord was attached before birth
Vector-borne transmission
The spread of a disease due to the bite of a vector capable of transmitting that disease
Refers to the front or belly side of the body or organ
Body system
When body parts work together to perform a related function, they are grouped together and known as body system
Anatomic position
Describes the body standing in the standard position including sanding up straight so that the body is erect and facing forward or holding the arms at the sides with the hands turned so that the palms face toward the front
Body planes
Imaginary vertical and horizontal lines used to divide the body into sections for descriptive purposes
Vertical plane
Up and down plane that is at a right angle to the horizon
Sagittal plane
Vertical plane that divides the body into unequal left and right portions
Frontal plane
Vertical plane that divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions. Also known as coronal plane
Coronal plane
Also known as frontal plane. Located at right angles to the sagittal plane
Horizontal plane
Flat, crosswire plane such as a horizon
Body directions
Cephalic, caudal, anterior, posterior
Proximal, distal, medial, lateral
Body cavities
Dorsal, central. Spaces within the body that contains and protect internal organs
Dorsal cavity
Located along the back of the body and head contains organs of the nervous system that coordinate body functions and is divided into two portions: cranial cavity and spinal cavity
Cranial cavity
Located within the skull, surrounds and protects the brain
Spinal cavity
Located within the spinal column, surrounds and protects the spinal cord
Ventral cavity
Located along the front of the body, contains the body organs that sustains homeostasis. Ventral cavity is divided into: thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity
A muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities
Abdominopelvic cavity
Two cavities as single unit, there is no physical division between the abdominal and pelvic cavities. Abdomin/o means abdomen, pelvic meams pelvic, -ic means pertaining to
Crease at the junction of the trunk with the upper end of the thigh.
9 parts of regions of thorax and abdomen
Right and left hypochondriac regions
Epigastric region
Right and left lumbar regions
Umbilical region
Right and left Iliad regions
Hypogastric region
Iliac regions
Located near the hip bones. ili- means hip bone, -ac means pertaining to
Umbilical region
Surrounds the umbilicus which is commonly known as belly button or navel.
Lumbar regions
Located near the inward curve of the spine. Lumb means lower back, -AR means pertaining to
Part of the back between the ribs and the pelvis
Hypochondriac region
Covered by the lower ribs. Hypo- means below, chondr/i means cartilage, -ac means pertaining to
Below the ribs
Four quadrants of abdomen
Divide abdomen in four imaginary quadrants:
Right upper quadrants (RUQ)
Left upper quadrants (LUQ)
Right lower quadrant(RLQ)
Left lower quadrants (LLQ)
Divided into four
Thin layer of tissue that covers the surface, lines a cavity, or divides a space or organ
Parietal peritoneum
Outer layer of the peritoneum that lines the interior of the abdominal wall
Cavity wall
Visceral peritoneum
Inner layer of the peritoneum that surrounds the organs of the abdominal cavity
Relating to the internal organs
Basic structural and functional units of the body. Cells are specialized and grouped together to form tissues and organs
Study of the anatomy, physiology, pathology and chemistry of the cell
A specialist in the study and analysis of cells
Cell membrane
Tissue that surrounds and protects the contents of a cell from the external environment
Surrounded by the nuclear membranes, is a structure within the cell. Has two important functions: it controls the activities of the cell, and it helps the cell divide
Adult stem cells
Also known as somatic stem cells, undifferentiated cells found among differentiated cells in a tissue or organ. Primary role of these cells is to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found
Not having a specialized function or structure
Having a specialized function or structure
Blood forming
Graft-versus-host diseases
Rejection of transplant between donor and recipient