Lesson 1-4 Flashcards
Word: Bronchoplegia
Root: Bronch (o)
Root Meaning: Bronchus
Paralysis of the bronchus.
A suffix denoting paralysis.
Word: Quadriplegia
Root: Quadr (i)
Root Meaning: Referring to four
Paralysis in four limbs.
A suffix meaning to dissolve, to break down.
Word: Pancreolysis
Root: Pancreat (o)
Root Meaning: Pancreas
Breaking down the pancreas.
Word: Osteolysis
Root: Oste (o)
Root Meaning: Bone
Breaking down bone.
A suffix denoting a flow.
Word: Dacryorrhea
Root: Dacry (o)
Root Meaning: Tears, lacrimal glands or ducts
Flowing of tears, usually excessive.
Word: Proctorrhea
Root: Proct (o)
Root Meaning: Rectum, anus
Flow from the rectum or anus.
A suffix denoting the study of.
Word: Hematology
Root: Hemat (o)
Root Meaning: Blood
Study of blood.
Word: Nephrology
Root: Nephr (o)
Root Meaning: Kidney
Study of the kidney.
A suffix denoting form, formation.
Word: Leukopoiesis
Root: Leuk (o)
Root Meaning: White blood cell
Formation of white blood cells.
Word: Erythropoiesis
Root: Erythr (o)
Root Meaning: Red blood cell
Formation of red blood cells.