Lesson 1-3 Flashcards
Word: Dacryostenosis
Root: Dacry (o)
Root Meaning: Tears, Lacrimal glands, Ducts
Narrowing of lacrimal ducts.
A suffix denoting narrowing.
Word: Metrostenosis
Root: Metr (o)
Root Meaning: Uterus
Narrowing of uterus.
Word: Phlebostenosis
Root: Phleb (o)
Root Meaning: Vein
Narrowing of a vein.
Word: Esophagostenosis
Root: Esophag (o)
Root Meaning: Esophagus
Narrowing of the esophagus.
A suffix denoting expansion, dilation-note that the first example includes the use of a combining vowel.
Word: Bronchiectasis
Root: Bronch (i)
Root Meaning: Bronchus
Expansion of the bronchus.
Word: Arteriectasis
Root: Arteri
Root Meaning: Artery
Dilation of an artery.
Word: Iridectasis
Root: Irid
Root Meaning: Iris
Dilation of an iris.
Word: Pyelectasis
Root: Pyel
Root Meaning: Pelvis of the kidney
Dilation of the pelvis of the kidney.
A suffix denoting a deficiency, a decreased amount.
Word: Leukopenia
Root: Leuk (o)
Root Meaning: White blood cell
Deficiency of white blood cells.
Word: Lymphopenia
Root: Lymph (o)
Root Meaning: Lymph cell
Deficiency of lymph cells.
Word: Erythropenia
Root: Erythr (o)
Root Meaning: Red blood cell
Deficiency of red blood cells.
Word: Glycopenia
Root: Glyc (o)
Root Meaning: Glucose, sugar
Deficiency of glucose in tissues.