Lesson 1 & 2 Flashcards
How can Scripture be carried in our hearts?
By memorising it
Why do we need to study the Old Testament?
It was given by God and it is inspired
List the five (5) categories into which the Old Testament can be divided
a) Torah or Penteteuch
b) History
c) Poetry
d) Major Prophets
e) Minor Prophets
The Bible is God’s story of what two (2) things?
a) The redemption of humanity
b) God’s desire to be in relationship with us
List the three (3) distinct prophetic periods
a) Pre–exilic
b) Exilic
c) Post–exilic
The Old Testament was not simply about laws, but about what?
Covenant relationship
What does Galatians 3:24 refer to the Law as
A schoolmaster, teacher, or tutor that brings us to Christ
Name three (3) New Testament verses that demonstrate that the Old Testament scriptures testify of Jesus Christ
a) John 5:39
b) Luke 24:27
c) Luke 24:44
What does the Hebrew word for Genesis mean?
In the beginning
What did God create the earth out of?
What are three (3) theories in relation to the earth’s age?
a) Young earth theory
b) Recreation theory / Pre–Adamic gap theory
c) Day–age theory
What is the form or genre of Genesis 1?
It is a poetic song
What generic Hebrew word for “god” can be used in either a singular or plural fashion?
What are three possible explanations for the plural “let us” in Genesis 1:26?
a) The plural of deliberation
b) The “royal” we
c) Refers to God and His heavenly court
How do a man and a woman reflect God in His image?
The entire creation of the cosmos is a backdrop for what?
The love story between God and His highest creation
What kind of relationship did God have with Adam and Eve?
A covenant relationship
Rather than prescribing men to rule over women, what does Genesis 3:16 do?
It describes what the Fall would bring
Why was one’s blood to be shed if they killed someone under the Noahic covenant?
Because we are made in the image of God
According to the book of Hebrews, what are three (3) points of faith in Abraham’s life?
a) When he left Ur of the Chaldees
b) When he believed God’s promise to make of him a great nation
c) When he was willing to sacrifice his son, Isaac, because he believed that God could raise him up from the dead