Lesson 1 Flashcards
When was the Sumerian writing system used with pictographs?
3000 BC
When did the beginnings of Egyptian hieroglyphics writing start?
2900 BC
When were tortoise shell and oracle bone writing used?
1300 BC
When was papyrus rolled?
500 BC
When was Chinese small seal writing developed?
220 BC
When was the book parchment codex created?
100 AD
When was woodblock printing and paper invented by the Chinese?
105 AD
When did the Electronic/Information era begin?
Who are the pioneers of the Information Age?
Blaise Pascal, Alexander Graham Bell, Steven Wozniak, Steven Jobs, Bill Gates
When was the Internet developed?
When was the World Wide Web developed?
Who is regarded as the Father of the Information Age?
Claude Shannon
Who proposed the birth of the field of information theory?
Claude Shannon
Who developed the Planar transistor?
Jean Hoerni
Who developed HyperCard?
Bill Atkinson
What are the four periods of the Information Age?
Mechanical, Pre-Mechanical, Electro-Mechanical, Electronic/Information
When did the Pre-mechanical period begin?
3000 BC-1450 AD
When did the Mechanical period begin?
When did the Electro-Mechanical period begin?
Who standardized English dictionary spelling?
Samuel Johnson
Who demonstrated high-speed photography?
Eadweard Muybridge
Who invented the television camera tube?
Who foresaw the invention of hypertext?
Vannevar Bush
When was the Apple Macintosh computer introduced?
When was artificial intelligence separated from information science?
Mid 1980s
When was HyperCard developed by Bill Atkinson?