Lesson 1 Flashcards
is a global society of local unity type embracing an indefinite multiplicity of functional spheres, social groups and other social interaction, joint bonds and value concepts
are characterized by strong emotional ties, ascribed status, specific and harmonious roles, cultural homogeneity, strong moral and spiritual bonds
Human relationships
consists of persons in social interaction within a geographic area and having one or more additional ties.
Three variables that indicates the community
explains why community has been referred to as spatial unit, as a cluster of people living within a specific geographic area or simply as a place.
Territorial variable
views the community as a social group or as a social system. Also, the community can be analyzed as a network of interaction.
Sociological variable
binds community members because they share common values, norms and goals.
Psychocultural variable
Elements that characterize a community
social interaction (people gathered together)
spatial unit
common history
common services institutions
sense of unity
Ways of classifying a community
Size of population
Economic bases
Classification as government units
Special characteristics of the population
Four types of communities
Rural communities
Urban communities
Frontier communities
a community composed of several families living near each other.
sometimes referred to as agricultural community or an enlarged primary groups
Rural Communities
loose organizations of people who live close together in a limited area
Urban communities
referred to as pioneering communities. They are usually the beginning or new communities in underdeveloped areas.
Frontier communities
Master of none, stewards of many
Holistic perspective