Lesson 1 Flashcards
背景 bèi jǐng
销烟 xiāo yān
destruction of opium/destruct opium
委任 wěi rèn
to appoint
钦差大臣 qīn chāi dà chén
imperial minister
收缴 shōu jiǎo
to confiscate
鸦片 yā piàn
销毁 xiāo huǐ
destruction/to destruct
走私 zǒu sī
smuggling/to smuggle
谋取 móu qǔ
to gain; to seek
巨额 jù’é
enormous amount of money
利润 lì rùn
危害 wēi hài
harm/to harm
下降 xià jiàng
to reduce; to decline
降低 jiàng dī
to reduce; to decline
严重 yán zhòng
严厉 yán lì
stern; severe/sternly; severely
损害 sǔn hài
to harm/harm
健康 jiàn kāng
health; well-being
虚弱 xū ruò
萎靡 wěi mí
筹钱 chóu qián
to raise money
不惜 bù xī
not hesitate
变卖 biàn mài
to sell
妻离子散 qī lí zǐ sàn
broken up, wife and children, far apart
家破人亡 jiā pò rén wáng
families ruined and their members perished
白银 bái yín
蒙蒙亮 méng méng liàng
dawn; daybreak
广州 Guǎng zhōu
capital of the Guangdong Province
热闹 rè nào
bustling with activity
盛装 shèng zhuāng
splendid attire
张贴 zhāng tiē
to post
布告 bù gào
notice; bulletin
遵 zūn
to act in accordance with; to obey
御旨 yù zhǐ
imperial order
海滩 hǎi tān
观瞻 guān zhān
to observe; to witness
激动 jī dòng
洋鬼子 yáng guǐ zi
foreign devil
浩浩荡荡 hào hào dàng dàng
兴奋 xìng fèn
敲着锣 qiāo zhe luó
strike gongs
震耳欲聋 zhèn’ěr yù lóng
deafening; make the ears tingle
鞭炮 biān pào
fire crackers
礼炮 lǐ pào
salvo; gun salute
涌去 yǒng qù
to gush forth
骄阳似火 jiāo yáng sì huǒ
blazing sun like fire
徒步 tú bù
to walk; to go on foot
水泄不通 shuǐ xiè bù tōng
be so jammed as to be impassable; be watertight that not even a drop of water could trickle through
围 wéi
to surround
周围 zhōu wéi
围观 wéi guān
to surround to watch
包围 bāo wéi
to surround
池 chí
挤 jǐ
to push against
满头大汗 mǎn tóu dà hàn
sweating badly
涵洞 hán dòng
水沟 shuǐ gōu
灌水 guàn shuǐ
pour water
搭 dā
to build; to put up
高台 gāo tái
high stage
监督 jiān dū
to supervise
指挥 zhǐ huī
to command; to conduct
踩 cǎi
to step on
撒 sā
to scatter
海盐 hǎi yán
sea salt
浸透 jìn tòu
to soak
倒 dào
to pour
生石灰 shēng shí huī
顿时 dùn shí
immediately; at once
黑乎乎 hēi hū hu
dark; black
冒出 mào chū
to emit
烟雾 yān wù
难闻 nán wén
unpleasant (smell)
弥漫 mí màn
to suffuse; to fill the air
一眨眼 yì zhǎ yǎn
blink of an eye; very short time
汹涌 xiōng yǒng
卷走 juǎn zǒu
roll away
欢呼雀跃 huān hū què yuè
cheered; jumping for joy like a sparrow
持续 chí xù
to last
箱 xiāng
box/a box of
斤 shōu jiǎo
500 grams
公斤 gōng jīn
震惊 zhèn jīng
气壮山河 qì zhuàng shān hé
full of power and grandeur
壮举 zhuàng jǔ
magnificent feat; heroic undertaking
毒品 dú pǐn
drug; opium
侵略 qīn lüè
贫寒 pín hán
细心 xì xīn
careful; attentive
可靠 kě kào
廉洁 lián jié
honest; with integrity
奉公 fèng gōng
to pursue public affairs
逐渐 zhú jiàn
泛滥 fàn làn
to spread unchecked
关键 guān jiàn
critical; crucial
严禁 yán jìn
to strictly prohibit
禁绝 jìn jué
to totally prohibit; to completely ban
总督 zǒng dū
烟贩 yān fàn
措施 cuò shī
断绝 duàn jué
to cut off
不交 bù jiāo
not hand over
准备 zhǔn bèi
to prepare
商馆 shāng guǎn
business hall
供应 gòng yìng
to supply
被迫 bèi pò
to be compelled
名垂千古 míng chuí qiān gǔ
immortalizing; analogy: good reputation forever
近代史 jìn dài shǐ
modern history
英雄 yīng xióng