lesson 1 Flashcards
___ is your body’s reaction to challenge or demand or to any change that it experiences, which require an adjustment or response.
The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and environmental responses.
Types of Stress
eustress, distress, positive stress, negative stress
positive reaction to stress to overcome a challenge.
results from something bad and we react negative.
it is contributory factor for minor conditions such as headaches, digestives problems, skin complaints, insomnia, and ulcers. Excessive, prolonged, and unrelieved stress can have harmful effect on mental, physical and spiritual health.
negative stress
stress can have a positive impact, spurring motivation and awareness., providing the stimulation to cope with challenging situations. It provides a sense of urgency and alertness needed for survival when facing threatening situations. ________ (as against distress) is desirable for efficient functioning.
Positive stress
____ is an event or a situation that causes stressful situations, which are seen as risks to the wellbeing person.
what causes stress?
examples of stressors
Family Relationships, School, Peer Groups/Friends, Discrimination, Injury, Sickness, Fatigue, Any major changes
physical signs of stress
Muscle tension, Headache,Pounding heart, Shortness of breath
emotional Signs of stress
Anger , irritability, Impatience, Nervousness, Forgetfulness, Inability concentrate to
behavioral Signs of stress
Loss of appetite, Overeating, Drug abuse, Sleep problems, Restlessness
psychological Signs of stress
constantly irritable with other people, feeling of being a failure
____ are a great way to have fun while staying fit.