Lesson 1 Flashcards
Describe the structure of the Atmosphere
The atmosphere is divided into 2 groups of constituents.
1- Permanent constituents ( NOT - Nitrogen 78%, Oxygen 21%, Trace Gases 1 %)
2- Variable constituents ( 3 states of matter)
• solids - dust, salt, volcanic ash
• liquids - water droplets, clouds
• gases - water vapour etc
State the 4 main layers of the atmosphere
1- Troposphere
2- Stratosphere
3- Mesosphere
4- Thermosphere
State the 3 boundaries separating the 4 atmosphere layers
1- Tropopause (36000ft & -56 degrees C)
2- Stratopause (160,000ft & 0 degrees C)
3 Mesopause (280,000ft & -90 degrees C)
What is atmospheric pressure
- It is the weight the atmosphere exerts on you.
- Pressure at any level is due to the weight of air in the column above that point
- Note, pressure falls with height and is therefore greatest at ground level
What units are used to report pressure in the UK and in the US
UK = HPa (Hector Pascals) US = Inches of Mercury (In Hg)
Describe how pressure changes as you fly upwards through the atmosphere
Pressure decreases with height. It will decrease by 1HPa per 30ft climbed
How does temperature and pressure affect the density of the atmosphere
Density is affected by PAWT (Pressure, Altitude, Water Vapour and Temperature)
As Pressure increases, air density increases - they are directly proportional
As temperature decreases, air density increases- they are inversely proportional
However, as we increase altitude the temperature will drop implying an increase in air density. BUT pressure also drops which implies a decrease in air density. The pressure effect wins and that leads to density decreasing with altitude.
State the following values from the International Standard Atmosphere or ISA; 1) Mean sea level (MSL) temperature? 2) Temperature lapse rate? 3) Height of the Tropopause? 4) Temperature at the tropopause?
1) MSL Temp = 15 degrees C
2) 2 degrees C per 1000ft
3) 36,090ft
4) -56,5 degrees C
Name 2 gases found in the troposphere and one significant gas found in the stratosphere
Troposphere- Nitrogen & Oxygen
Stratosphere- OZONE
How does temperature change with height in the troposphere and stratosphere
In the troposphere temperature will decrease with height with the Temp Lapse rate of 2 degrees C per 1000ft. Reaching -56 degrees C at the tropopause.
In the stratosphere temperature begins to increase with height until it reaches 0 degrees C at the Stratopause
At what point in the stratosphere is the heighest temp found?
0 degrees C - Stratopause
In warm climates would you expect the tropopause to be high or low
High with a colder temperature Approx -80
Compared to avg UK temp of -56 and a low tropopause
What instrument is used to measure pressure?
Names 3 units for measuring pressure
Hector Pascals, inches of Mercury, millibars
State ISA Values for;
1) MSL pressure
2) MSL Temp
3) MSL Air density
4) Temp lapse rate
5) Tropopause temp
6) Tropopause hgt
1) 1013.25 HPa
2) 15 degrees C
3) 1.225 kg/m3(cubed)
4) 2 degrees fall per 1000ft
5) -56 degrees C
6) 36,090 ft