Lesson 08 - Notes - Show Time Spanish Flashcards
acabo de volver
I have just returned
estuve en España
I was in Spain
entendí a todo el mundo
I understood everyone
ellos me entendieron a mí
they understood me too
no está nada mal
that’s not at all bad
¿qué te pasó entonces?
so what happened then?
darse cuenta de que
to realise that
busqué una mesa libre
I looked for a free table
to ask for, to order
justo entonces
just then
la mujer que estaba sentada
the woman who was sitting
la mesa de al lado
the next table
to light
¿qué quieres?
what do you want; here: “what do you expect?”
pillar desprevenido/a a alguien
to catch someone unawares
hace tanto tiempo que…
it’s such a long time since
ley (f)
no-smoking / anti-smoking
no es tan estricto como…
it’s not as strict as…
owner, landlord / landlady
el restaurante tiene más de
100 metros
the restaurant is over 100m in size
quiero que el restaurante sea para fumadores…
I want the restaurant to be for smokers
tener derecho a + infinitive
to have the right to do something
punto final
literally “full stop” / period (US)
me va bien
it suits me
huele < oler
to smell
actitud (f)
attitude, point of view
fumarse un cigarro
to have a cigarette
me gusta que hayan* dos espacios
I like (the fact) that there are two spaces
cada uno que vaya a donde quiera
each person should go to where they want
contrario (m)
vicio (m)
to be social, to socialise
en sociedad
in company
to distance oneself
nunca he fumado
I have never smoked
no hay que olvidar a la gente…
we must not forget the people…
no quiero trabajar en un bar donde la gente esté fumando
I don’t want to work in a bar where people are smoking
no quiero fumar; tampoco quiero respirar…
I don’t want to smoke; nor do I
want to breathe…
humo (m)
los demás
other people
entran en conflicto los intereses de los fumadores y no fumadores
the interests/opinions of smokers and non-smokers come into conflict / clash
me encantaría tener la respuesta
I’d love to have the answer
no tengo ni idea
I don’t have a single clue
dejar de + infinitive
to stop / give up doing something
algún díá
one day / some day
fecha (f)
fecha (f) límite
quedarse embarazada
to become pregnant
cuando me quede embarazada
when I get/become pregnant
¿esto es lo que se suele hacer en España?
is that what tends to happen in
las chicas solemos tener…
(“us”) girls tend to have…
depende (de)
it depends (on)
let’s talk
juventud (f)
youth, young people
tabaco (m)
literally, “tobacco”; here
chaval (m)
young person
entorno (m) social
social environment, surroundings, the people with whom the chavales hang around
los quince o dieciséis años
the age of 15 or 16
viaje (m) de final de curso
end of year school trip
casi vomito
I was almost sick; I almost threw up…
to hate
volver a + infinitve
to do something again
ayuda (f)
help, assistance
Sanidad (f)
Department of Health
para que la gente deje de fumar
so that people stop smoking
free of charge
consejo (m)
médico (m) de cabecera
GP, doctor
parche (m) de nicotina
nicotine patch
to give (someone) a prescription for something
to become aware
dentro de X años
within X year; in X years’ time
ir a mejor
to improve
¿habrás dejado de fumar?
will you have stopped smoking?
seguro que sí
of course
to promise
te lo prometo
I promise (you)
al entrar en…
on going into …
tiene que haber…
there has to be…
le da vergüenza
he/she is embarrassed; literally
“to him/her it gives shame”
nos ha hecho una promesa
she has promised us / she has made a promise
estar enamorado/a
to be in love
to marry
si yo dijera
if I were to say
al contrario
on the contrary
you are a pain
eres una plasta
I’m shattered (‘made into dust’)
estoy hecho/a polvo
to get going
ponerse en marcha
to get going (on your way)
ponerse en camino
everything has been turned upside down
todo está patas arriba
don’t get angry
no te enfades
You look fantastic (good enough to it)
estás para comerte
estás mas bueno/a que el pan
está mas bueno
Where do you want to go for a bite to eat?
adonde ir a picotear algo?
Where do we go for a drink?
adonde ir de copas
Goodness me! What an earth is doing on?
madre mía! ésta qué es
I can’t believe my eyes
hombre! si no lo veo, no lo veo