Leson 3 Visible & Invisible Flashcards
Lesson objectives
⓵ To realise the invisible (spirit) is more important than the visible (flesh)
⓶ To realise that we can have a strong spirit with the word of God
Uproot & Plant
Uproot: Non believer: Spirit doesn’t exist, only focus on physical (visible) will make
me happy
Plant: Beginning of a blessed/ happy life is determined on whether one invest in
their spirit or not
*Recap Temple
- In order to have a blessed life one must be able to construct their temple; and
although our temple is not complete what we can start to build is the foundation,
which is knowledge.
- However the spiritual temple is invisible; but it does exist and is real
※Physical has limits, but spirit has no limits (e.g. Nick Vijici, David Brown), then
which is more important to focus on?
How much do we take time to work on our heart and mind (invisible spirit)?
- Visible Things
Q: Can we believe everything just because you can see it? Visible ≠ Trustworthy.
What is seen is not eternal.
- Everything separates, disintegrates, and collapses over time (e.g. People, clothes,
buildings, food).
- Everything in the world follows this law.
▷ If I want a happy/ blessed life I need to focus on the invisible first
- The Visible and the Invisible
Zec 12:1 God formed spirit within man
• Visible – Universe, Visible World = Physical World
• Invisible – God, Angel, Heaven, Hell, Invisible World = Spiritual World
Not everyone believes in the existence of the spirit because it is invisible, but
everyone believes in the existence of the invisible mind and heart.
※ How we live a life?
If you think and judge based on what you see, what kind of person would you be?
(e.g. for a fish the sea is everything in the world, for ant there is only mountain in the
- Why the Bible says the Invisible is Important
2 Cor 4:18 Focus on spirit (unseen) which is eternal
1 Sam 16:7 God does not look at the outward appearance, but the heart (spirit)
Eph 5:15-17 Be very careful, then how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making
the most of every opportunity: studying the Bible is opportunity to work on my spirit
3 Jn 1:2-4 We can invest in our spirit with the truth (Word of God)
The visible can give us pleasure and comfort right now, but it is the invisible that
makes like more valuable and meaningful.
Do you want to have a fun, happy, successful life?
Let’s not pursue only what is seen but let’s be the ones who try to invest in the spirit
inside of us first!