How Can We Believe Jesus As The Messiah Flashcards
Lesson Objectives
⓵ Understand that the way that God works is through prophecy and fulfillment, and
that this is the evidence to believe Jesus
⓶ Confess that they were ignorant of Jesus and the Bible
⓷ Plant the absoluteness of knowing the prophecy
Uproot & Plant
Uproot: Thinking or knowing the reason why Jesus is messiah is not important, as
long as we know Jesus died for our sins.
Plant: Jesus is Messiah because he came according to OT scriptures and it will be
the same in the second coming.
Why is Jesus the Messiah? (Ask to the student)
*God’s characteristic: Prophecy & Fulfillment
1 Cor 15:3-4 Jesus came according to the Scripture
(Is 14:24, Num 23:19, Mt 5:18)
Body (According to the Scripture: Birth)
Is 7:14 Virgin gives birth to a son (700 years later) → Mt 1:18-23 Fulfilled through Mary & Joseph
Mic 5:2 Ruler comes out from Bethlehem (500 years later) → Mt 2:1-6 3 wise men and King Herod
Lk 2:1-7 Caesar Augustus 27BC~AD14
▷ Command the census throughout the entire Rome
▷ Joseph and Mary had to move to Bethlehem because Joseph was thedescendant of David
→ God moved the entire world of Israel to fulfil the promise.
Body (According to the Scripture: Ministry)
Is 9:1-2 Light shines from Galilee (700 years later) → Mt 4:12-17 Jesus began to preach in Galilee
Zec 9:9 Riding on a baby donkey (400 years later) → Mt 21:1-11 Jesus rode a foal
▷ “Hosanna” group believed in Jesus -> recognize scripture(O)
▷ “Who is this?” group did not believe -> recognize scripture(X)
Reflection: if you existed 2000 years ago will you be “Hosanna” or “Who is this?” Group?
⓵ The reason why we can believe in Jesus is because he came according to
prophecy and fulfillment
⓶ Prophecies are important evidence for us to believe in the work of God
⓷ God has a power to fulfill his promises 100% (Is 14:24, Num 23:19)