Lesion Locations Flashcards
Unilateral lesion but Bilateral impairment
Global Aphasia
Perisylvian area
Transcortical Motor Aphasia
Left Frontal lobe
Transcortical Sensory Aphasia
Left Parietal Temporal or Temporal Occipital Area
VWFA (Visual Word form Area)
and LV1 and selenium of corpus callosum
aka Left Ventral Temporal Occipital Cortex
Output Type Disorder
Damage to Premotor Cortex.
Damage to Prefrontal Cortex.
Pick’s Disease
Frontal Temporal Atrophy
Neuronal Damage
Loss of neurons or lower functioning of neurons
NF Tangles
Amyloid Plaques
APOE4 <– Genetic Factor
Amnesia (General)
DM Nucl. Thalamus
Mammillary Bodies
Medial Temporal Cortex
(Hippocampus, amygdala, and cortex around it. )
Korsakoff’s Syndrome
Bilateral damage of DM and MB
Left labectomy
Reduction to Verbal Learning
Right labectomy
Non Verbal Deficits
Topograpic Disorder
Parahippocampal gyrus; hippocampus
- Right Medial Temporal
- R/L Lingual
Constructive Disorder
- Unilateral Lesion
- RH: Posterior
- LH: Parietal