Les Relations et Connecteurs Logiques Flashcards
This Deck is a list of all the logical connectors in French, helping you relate different ideas together..
What is the translation of ‘And’?
What is the translation of ‘Also’?
What is the translation of ‘Moreover’?
De plus, Encore.
What is the translation of ‘Furthermore’?
En outre.
What is the translation of ‘In addition’?
En plus.
What is the translation of ‘Then’?
Puis, Ensuite.
‘Puis’ is more common in spoken French. ‘Ensuite’ is more common in written French.
What is translation for ‘By the way’ or ‘Incidentally’?
What is translation for ‘Otherwise’ or ‘Elsewise’?
Par ailleurs.
What is the translation of ‘Not only… But also’?
Non seulement… mais aussi.
What is translation for ‘Likewise’?
What is the translation for ‘Similarly’?
De même.
What is the translation for ‘As well as’?
Ainsi que.
What is the translation for ‘Both… and’?
Tant… que.
What is translation for ‘To boot’?
De surcroît.
What’s the translation for ‘What’s more’?
Qui plus est.
What’s the translation for ‘Neither… nor’?
Ni… ni.
What’s the translation for ‘Even’?
What’s the translation for ‘Especially’?
What’s the translation for ‘Thus’?
What’s the translation for ‘Now…’?
What’s the translation for ‘Not to mention that’?
Sans compter que.
What’s the translation for ‘Apart from that’?
Outre que.
What’s the translation for ‘All the more since’?
D’autant plus que.
What’s the translation for ‘Such that’?
De façon que.
What’s the translation for ‘But’?
What’s the translation for ‘However’?
- ‘Poutant’ is used most commonly and is the most flexible.
- ‘Cependant’ is more formal.
- ‘Toutefois’ is also formal, but used specifically to express a stronger or more surprising contradiction or contrast.
What’s the translation for ‘Nonetheless’?
What’s the translation for ‘On the other hand’?
Par contre.
What’s the translation for ‘Conversely’?
En revanche.
What’s the translation for ‘Whereas’?
Considérant que.
What’s the translation for ‘While’?
Alors que.
Tandis que.
Pendant que.
‘Alors que’ is the simplest most versatile.
‘Tandis que’ implies simultaneity or a contrast in simultaneous actions.
‘Pendant que’ contrasts temporal aspects.
What’s the translation for ‘On the contrary’?
Au contraire.
What’s the translation for ‘At the other end of things’?
À l’opposé.
What’s the translation for ‘Despite this’?
Malgré cela.
What’s the translation for ‘In spite of’?
En dépit de.
What’s the translation for ‘Contrary to’?
Contrairement à.
What’s the translation for ‘Although’?
Bien que.
‘Quoique’ is more formal. Both are always followed by a subjunctive verb.
What’s the translation for ‘Even if’?
Même si.
Quand bien même.
What’s the translation for ‘Except that’?
Sauf que.
What’s the translation for ‘Notwithstanding’?
What’s the translation for ‘Unlike’?
À la différence de.
What’s the translation for ‘Far from’?
Loin que.
What’s the translation for ‘Rather than’?
Plutôt que.
What’s the translation for ‘Instead of’?
Au lieu de.
What’s the translation for ‘Even though’?
Même si.
Encore que.
‘Encore que’ is always followed by a subjunctive verb.
What’s the translation for ‘Because’?
Parce que.
‘Car’ is more formal and cannot be used to start a sentence.
What’s the translation for ‘Since, As’?
‘Comme’ provides facts and is typically placed at the start of sentences. ‘Puisque’ provides reasons and can be used anywhere.
What’s the translation for ‘Because of’?
À cause de.
Grâce à.
En raison de.
‘À cause de’ denotes negativity. ‘Grâce à’ denotes positivity. ‘En raison de’ is formal and neutral.
What’s the translation for ‘Due to, Owing to’?
Du fait de.
What’s the translation for ‘Under the pretext that’?
Sous prétexte que.
What’s the translation for ‘Given that’?
Étant donné que.
What’s the translation for ‘Seeing that’?
Vu que.
‘D’où’ is always used at the start of a sentence.
What’s the translation for ‘That is why’?
C’est pourquoi.
What’s the translation for ‘For this reason’?
Pour cette raison.
What’s the translation for ‘Consequently’?
Par conséquent.
What’s the translation for ‘As a result’?
De ce fait.
What’s the translation for ‘So’?
What’s the translation for ‘So that’?
De sorte que.
What’s the translation for ‘To such an extent that’?
À tel point que.
What’s the translation for ‘In such a way that’?
De manière que.
De façon que.
What’s the translation for ‘So much that’?
Tant… que.
Tellement… que.
‘Tant… que’ is typically used with nouns and verbs. ‘Tellement… que’ is typically used with adjectives, adverbs, and verbs.
What’s the translation for ‘So much so that’?
Si bien que.
What’s the translation for ‘Whatever the case’?
Quoi qu’il en soit.
What’s the translation for ‘In order to’?
Afin de.
Afin que.
‘Pour’ is the simplest and most common.
‘Afin de’ is more formal and is followed by an infinitive verb.
‘Afin de’ is more formal and is followed by a subjunctive subject-verb clause.
What’s the translation for ‘With the aim of’?
Dans le but de.
This an even more formal version of ‘Afin de’.
What’s the translation for ‘In a way to’?
De façon à.
De manière à.
‘De manière à’ is slighty more formal.
What’s the translation for ‘So that’?
Pour que.
De sorte que.
‘De sorte que’ implies a consequence in addition to a purpose and requires the subjunctive.
What’s the translation for ‘With a view to’?
En vue de.
What’s the translation for ‘Just to’?
Histoire de.
What’s the translation for ‘Provided that’?
À condition que.
Pour peu que.
‘À condition que’ and others like it are usually part of a subjunctive phrase.
What’s the translation for ‘With the intention of’?
Dans l’intention de.
What’s the translation for ‘In the hope of’?
Dans l’espoir de.
What’s the translation for ‘A matter of’?
Question de.
What’s the translation for ‘For reasons of’?
Pour des raisons de.
What’s the translation for ‘To avoid’?
Pour éviter de.
What’s the translation for ‘To face, to deal with’?
Pour faire face à.
What’s the translation for ‘In anticipation of’?
En prévision de.
What’s the translation for ‘As a way of’?
En guise de.
What’s the translation for ‘To make a long story short’?
Pour faire court.
What’s the translation for ‘To put it better’?
Pour mieux dire.
What’s the translation for ‘Not to say’?
Pour ne pas dire.
What’s the translation for ‘As far as I know’?
Pour autant que je sache.
What’s the translation for ‘To simplify’?
Pour simplifier.
What’s the translation for ‘Is it really that…’?
Est-ce si…
What’s the translation for ‘If’?
What’s the translation for ‘As long as’?
Tant que.
Pourvu que.
‘Tant que’ is used to set conditions in generally controllable circumstances.
‘Pourvu que’ is used to set conditions in generally uncontrollable circumstances.
What’s the translation for ‘In case’?
Au cas où.
What’s the translation for ‘Supposing that’?
En supposant que.
What’s the translation for ‘Unless’?
À moins que.
What’s the translation for ‘In the event that’?
Dans l’hypothèse où.
What’s the translation for ‘Except’?
What’s the translation for ‘Except if’?
Sauf si.
What’s the translation for ‘In the case where’?
Dans le cas où.
What’s the translation for ‘Assuming that’?
À supposer que.
What’s the translation for ‘In the eventuality that’?
Dans l’éventualité où.
What’s the translation for ‘As far as’?
Pour autant que.
What’s the translation for ‘If ever’?
Si jamais.
What’s the translation for ‘Even so’?
Malgré tout.
Même ainsi.
What’s the translation for ‘It is still necessary that’?
Encore faut-il que.
What’s the translation for ‘In the absence of’?
À défaut de.
What’s the translation for ‘Subject to’?
Sous réserve que.
What’s the translation for ‘Awaiting that’?
Dans l’attente que.
What’s the translation for ‘Conditional upon’?
Conditionnellement à.
What’s the translation for ‘Depending on whether’?
Selon que.
What’s the translation for ‘If it happens that’?
S’il advient que.
What’s the translation for ‘When’?
‘Lorsque’ is more formal.
What’s the translation for ‘As soon as’?
Dès que.
Aussitôt que.
‘Aussitôt que’ implies greater immediacy.
What’s the translation for ‘Before…’?
Avant que.
What’s the translation for ‘After…’?
Après que.
What’s the translation for ‘Since…’?
Depuis que.
What’s the translation for ‘Until…’?
Jusqu’à ce que.
What’s the translation for ‘Once…’?
Une fois que.
What’s the translation for ‘While waiting for’?
En attendant que.
What’s the translation for ‘Hardly… when…’?
À piene… que…
What’s the translation for ‘Beforehand’?
What’s the translation for ‘Henceforth’?
‘Désormais’ can carry a sense of resignation to a situation emerging due to past events.
What’s the translation for ‘By the time that’?
D’ici que.
What’s the translation for ‘In the meantime’?
What’s the translation for ‘Finally’?
What’s the translation for ‘Simultaneously’?
What’s the translation for ‘Back when’?
À l’époque où.
What’s the translation for ‘Since then’?
Depuis lors.
What’s the translation for ‘Until then’?
What’s the translation for ‘Long before’?
Bien avant.
What’s the translation for ‘Long after’?
Bien après.
What’s the translation for ‘Shortly before’?
Peu avant.
What’s the translation for ‘Shortly after’?
Peu après.
What’s the translation for ‘During’?
Lors de.
What’s the translation for ‘The moment that’?
À l’instant où.
What’s the translation for ‘From…’?
À partir de.
What’s the translation for ‘At that moment’?
À ce moment-là.
What’s the translation for ‘At the same time as’?
En même temps que.
What’s the translation for ‘At time goes by’?
Au fur et à mesure.
À mesure que.
What’s the translation for ‘From then on’?
Dès lors.
What’s the translation for ‘Meanwhile’?
Pendant ce temps.
What’s the translation for ‘Subsequently’?
Par la suite.
What’s the translation for ‘Ultimately’?
En définitive.
What’s the translation for ‘All things considered’?
À tout prendre.
En fin de compte.
Tout bien considéré.
What’s the translation for ‘In short’?
En somme.
What’s the translation for ‘To conclude’?
Pour conclure.
What’s the translation for ‘All in all’?
Somme toute.
What’s the translation for ‘After all’?
Après toute.
What’s the translation for ‘In brief’?
What’s the translation for ‘In summary’?
En résumé.
What’s the translation for ‘Firstly’?
En premier lieu.
What’s the translation for ‘Lastly’?
En dernier lieu.
What’s the translation for ‘To finish’?
Pour finir.
What’s the translation for ‘To end’?
Pour terminer.
What’s the translation for ‘In the end’?
À la fin.
Au final.
What’s the translation for ‘Like’?
What’s the translation for ‘More… than’?
Plus… que.
What’s the translation for ‘Less… than’?
Moins… que.
What’s the translation for ‘As… as’?
Aussi… que.
What’s the translation for ‘Just like’?
De même que.
What’s the translation for ‘Compared to’?
Comparé à.
What’s the translation for ‘In comparison with’?
En comparison avec.
What’s the translation for ‘Similar to’?
Similaire à.
What’s the translation for ‘In the same way as’?
De la même manière que.
What’s the translation for ‘Such as’?
Telle que.
What’s the translation for ‘In relation to’?
Par rapport à.
Vis-à-vis de.
What’s the translation for ‘As opposed to’?
À l’inverse de.
What’s the translation for ‘In opposition to’?
En opposition à.
What’s the translation for ‘Regarding’?
À l’égard de.
What’s the translation for ‘Following the example of’?
À l’instar de.
What’s the translation for ‘With the exception of’?
À l’exception de.
What’s the translation for ‘As if’?
Comme si.
What’s the translation for ‘More than ever’?
Plus que jamais.
What’s the translation for ‘Less than ever’?
Moins que jamais.