LEO Authority & Limitations Flashcards
A discussion about where all Law Enforcement Authority and Limitations arise from.
AMB 5000 CH2
What is the primary source of all government authority?
The U.S. Constitution
AMB 5000 CH2
Congress, using the power granted it by the Constitution to make laws, has given Air and Marine Interdiction Agents what specific statutory authority?
- ) Stop and detain people and things at the “border” to determine their admissibility.
- ) Question people regarding their immigration status.
- ) Search people and things connected to the “border”
- ) Arrest violators and seize goods, 19 USC 1589a & 8 USC 1357
AMB 5000 CH2
INA 287(a)(2) / 8 UCS 1357(a)(2) permits what?
Arrest (without warrant) for violation of immigration laws committed in front of the officer.
*It grants authority to “Immigration Officers” to arrest any alien who in the agent/officer’s presence or view is entering or attempting to enter in violation of immigration laws or any alien already in the United States in violation of immigration laws and is likely to escape before an arrest warrant can be obtained.
AMB 5000 CH2
INA 287(a)(4) / 8 USC 1357(a)(4) permits what?
Arrest (without warrant) for immigration felonies, before they can escape
*It grants authority to “Immigration Officers” to arrest any person for an immigration related felony and the person is likely to escape before a warrant can be obtained.
AMB 5000 CH2
INA 287(a)(5)(A) / 8 USC 1357(a)(5)(A) permits what?
Arrest (without warrant) for federal crimes committed in front of the Officer, before they can escape.
*It grants the authority to “Immigration Officers” to arrest for any federal crime that occurs in the agent/officer’s presence and the person is likely to escape before obtaining a warrant.
AMB 5000 CH2
19 USC 1589a permits what?
Arrest (without warrant) for any federal Offenses:
- ) Federal Felonies committed in or out of the officer’s presence
- ) Federal Misdemeanors committed in front of the officers presence.
* *It grants the authority to “Immigration Officers” to arrest, without a warrant, for any federal offense, felon or misdemeanor, that occurs in the officer/agent’s presence and for federal felonies that occur outside the officer/agent’s presence.*
* *Federal misdemeanor’s that occur outside the officer/agent’s presence require a warrant.*
AMB 5000 CH2
With having Probable Cause, and no warrant, what are OAM agents authorized to arrest for?
- ) Federal Felonies that occur in or out of their presence.
- ) Federal Misdemeanors that occur in their presence.
- ) Immigration misdemeanors that occur outside of their presence.
AMB 5000 CH2
As a Federal Law Enforcement Officer, how does your Federal authority translate to your state level authority?
Varies by state. You have to check your State Statutes to see if it is honored on the state level.
AMB 5000 CH2
As a Law Enforcement Officer, what are the sources of limitation on your authority.
- ) U.S. Constitution (4th, 5th, & 6th Amendments)
- ) U.S. Statutes
- ) U.S. Regulations
- ) Agency Policies
- ) Judicial Decisions (ex. Graham vs. O’Connor)
AMB 5000 CH2
What type of compliance is required with the DHS’s Race Neutrality Policy?
Strict compliance
AMB 5000 CH2
Describe the gist of Racial Profiling in regards to Law Enforcement.
The use of race as the sole reason for a law enforcement action is prohibited.