Lenin - Nature of Government Flashcards
What was the ruling like in Russia before 1917?
- Rule by a series of all powerful emperors called Tsars.
- Autocratic and Archaic rule
- Tsar and his family given the status of omniscient, omnipotent religious figures.
- The church was the next most powerful body under the Tsar
- Violent political repression common place.
Why was the February revolution 1917 sucessful and not the revolution in 1905?
- In 1905 political repression and compromised ensured the Tsarist regime’s survival until the end of WWI
- Economic chaos, and political mismanagement and military defeat led to the Feb revolution in Petrograd: Tsar was overthrown and Provisional Government set up.
What reforms did the Provisional Government put in place when it was established in Feb 1917?
- Removal of Tsar’s despotism
- Introduction of liberal system.
- Included freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion.
- Promised democratic elections.
How did Lenin and his Bolshevik followers rally enough support to overthrow the Provisional Gov?
- The Prov Gov continued to fight WWI, which worsened Russia’s already dire economic situation.
- Popular opinion was an end to war Russia’s involvement in the war, and Lenin promised that.
- Lenin argued for the redistribution of land to peasants (v.popular with the 80% peasant population).
- His demands were summarised the simple and increasingly popular slogan ‘Peace, Land and Bread’.
When did Lenin Trotsky seize the Prov Gov and organise a coup d’etat?
October 1917
What were the soviets?
- Small democratic councils that had emerged spontaneously in every town and village across Russia.
- Between feb and oct 1917 the soviets played a key role in governing Russia.
- Local soviets sent representatives to the All-Russian Congress of Soviets.
What was the All-Russian Congress of Soviets?
- A congress which met in June 1917 to discuss Russia’s future.
- They met again in oct 1917
- Lenin and other senior Bolsheviks argued that the All-Russian Congress of Soviets should become the basis of the new Russian gov.
- Indeed, the oct revolution had formally handed power to the ARCS.
When and why was the Sonarkom set up?
- 1917
- All-Russian Congress was too big to meet regularly so they elected a Council of People’s Commissars (Sovnarkom) to govern Russia on a day-to-day basis.
What was the Sovnarkom/ how was it structured?
- Essentially the new Russian cabinet.
- The first sovnarkom was made of 13 people’s commissars and Lenin was elected Chairmen.
- Trotsky was commissar and head of foreign affairs.
- Stalin was head of national affairs.
- All of the new commissars were revolutionaries.
What was some of the popular decrees that Lenin’s new gov voted to pass? Give their dates.
1) Decree on Land (oct 1917) - gave peasants the right to seize land from the church and nobility.
2) Decree of Peace (oct 1917) - Russia would withdraw from WWI
3) Workers’ Decree (Nov 1917) - established an 8 hours working day at a minimum wage.
4) Decree of Workers’ Control (April 1918) - allowed workers to elect committees to run factories.
These early measures allowed Lenin to establish control and win support from the various demographics of people with Russia.
When did Lenin establish the Cheka and why?
- 1917
- A political police force to defend the revolution and dispense revolutionary justice.
What level of real power did the Sovnarkom have in the early months of its creation?
- Very little
- The revolution had happened in Petrograd so Lenin did not have control of other major cities or the vast rural areas
- Senior figures from the former gov still had a great deal of power and refused to recognise Bolshevik authority.
- Russian Army initially refused direct orders from Lenin, as did State Bank and State Treasury.
- Initially, Sovnarkom was extremely disorganised and had no real infrastructure: Commissariat of finance was nothing more than a sofa with a large piece of paper pinned to it bearing the words ‘Commissariat of Finance’.
Lenin’s gov would need to fight a civil war before it could gain full control of Russia.
How democratic was Russia in 1918?
- Lenin and Bolsheviks claimed it was truly democratic.
- Lenin argued gov was formed of committees of working people who participated in gov on a daily basis.
- The first decrees were genuinely popular and clearly reflected the will of the people.
- In 1918 Russia was not yet a one-party state.
- Some members of other parties (i.e SRs) had junior positions in the government.
What was in the Constitution of 1918?
- Sovnarkom responsible to Congress of Soviets which had other political parties i.e. meneshiviks and Socialist Revolutionaries.
Why was there broad based support for Lenin’s new gov in 1918?
- Most people believed a coalition government had been formed, with all the socialist parties in equal power.
- Genuine support for Bolshevik government among the workers in Petrograd due to the popularity of the early decrees.