Lenin Flashcards
To what extent does Lenin’s use of terror explained the establishment of Bolshevik rule in Russia
Worker’s Repression: Peasants Repression: Centralising power Use of NEP to create genuine support Controlling minority
Worker’s Repression:
End of worker’s control in 1918 June with Warcomm
Krondstadt Rebellion 1921 March raided by 60,000 Red Arm
Worker’s opposition by Kollanti and Shlyapnikov denounced at 10th party congress
Peasants Repression:
1918 245 uprisings brutally suppressed
Tambov revolt by Antonov
Decree on Land Nov 1917
Centralizing power
Red Terror 500,000 executed by Cheka
5 men politburo and orgburo
By 1921 750,000 in the party with 5.4 million working for the party state
Use of NEP to create genuine support
With overall industrial output rose by 2500 million
Grain requisitioning replaced by a 10% tax in kind
Only exception being harassment of NEPman by GPU
Controlling minority
Policy of indigenisation encouraging local languages in schools and governance,
Muslim religion allowed in central Asia with Bolsheviks trying to emphasise the collectivist excerpts frmo the kuran
Exception being Stalin’s Georgian Affair
How did Lenin establish power
Legal methods Brutal repression/terror Genuine support Weakness of rival parties Concessions to urban workers and peasants
Legal methods
Decree on Land October 1917, land to be taken
Decree on Peace Novemeber 1917
Brutal repression/terror
Shut down national constituent assembly 6th Jan
Creation of Cheka as early as December 1917
1918 245 uprisings brutally suppressed
Genuine support
volga region 60% of the members of the volost Soviet executives were aged between 18 and 35.
generally viewed as the leaders of their villagers as older peasants were not literate enough for complex administrative tasks
Were popular in urban areas, won over 70% of the vote in some parts of Petrograd in the Constituent Assembly
Weakness of rival parties
Bolsheviks banned the Kadet party which only had 5% of the votes
SR’s and Mensheviks underestimated Bolshevik’s ability to survive as they believed Bolsheviks would collapse and the the Constituent Assembly would triumph
Concessions to urban workers and peasants
3 SR member in Sovnarkom until March 1918
Gave workers’ control,8 hour working days
Lenin took the SR’s land policy(Peasants kept the land they took)
Why Did the Bolsheviks win the CW
Trotsky’s military leadership Weakness of the Whites Lenin’s leadership Foreign intervention’s ineffectiveness Bolshevik unity Geographical factors
Trotsky’s military leadership
Abolished army ranks and added in political commissars
Formed labour battalions with unreliable soldiers
Travelled with special armoured train, defending Petrograd in Nov 1919
Weakness of the Whites
White generally had small armies with generals like Deniken leading less than 100,000
White leaders generally distrusted Kolchak
Kolchak’s base in Omsk saw foregin uniforms and munitions sold on black markets
Lenin’s leadership
Introduction of Warcom
Decree on land November 1917 to gain peasant support
Extensive propaganda portraying Bolsheviks as defenders of Russia against imperialists
Foreign intervention’s ineffectiveness
Japan and US troops nvaded Vladivosk Aug1918 but did not fight much
French troops landed in Odessa Dec 1918 but the fleet in Balck Sea experienced mutiny
British sent 100 million pounds to whites
Bolshevik unity
Bolshevkis were all revolutionaries but whites were liberals, nationalists, Tsarists and SRs
Whites had different aims such as restoring monarchism, republicanism, or constituent assembly
Geographical factors
Whites were fighting on 4 separate fronts, with horses running between sections
Bolsheviks occupied populus area, having more than 60 million in population
Petrograd and Moscow areas had extensive factories and railway
Who was responsible for CW
SR opposition Peasant Opposition Tsarist General opposition Worker opposition Minority Opposition Czech Legion opposition
SR opposition
Won election with 40% of the votes against Bolsheviks 24%
Policy debates SR wanted socialisation of land while Bolsheviks wanted nationalisation, also SR wanted join provisional govt while Bolsheviks wanted single party
Foregin policy debate with Treaty of Brest-Litovsk giving land to imperialists, also SR wanted to continue fighting central powers while Bolsheviks wanted to withdraw