Leisure And Consumption Flashcards
What is the main debate within this topic?
Modernist Vs Postmodernist - Are the leisure choices we make influenced and restricted by our identity OR do we create our identity through the leisure choices we make?
What are some Marxist concepts relating to leisure?
The commercialisation of leisure - Leisure has become a product to be bought and sold, that big businesses can profit from
False needs - Created by advertising to convince people they have to buy certain products
Euphoria in unhappiness - Consuming goods provides temporary relief from misery and alienation
False class consciousness - Leisure distracts people from their oppression within capitalism
Leisure as a form of social control
What are some different theories on the purpose of leisure?
Clark and Critcher - Capitalism controls work and leisure, encourages workers to keep fit, creates false needs and uses leisure to prevent class consciousness forming. HOWEVER some groups resist this. (Marxism)
Roberts - Class does not limit leisure choices and all classes enjoy TV, alcohol, gambling and sex. (Pluralism)
Pakulski and Waters - Leisure choices are a more important source of identity than class, age, ethnicity or gender. (Postmodernism)
Rojek - Postmodern leisure is less separate from work, done without purpose, and unlimited by identity. (Postmodernism)
What are some theories on leisure and identity (class, gender, ethnicity)?
Parker - Working class people work for extrinsic rewards so use leisure to escape (opposition pattern). Middle class people work for intrinsic satisfaction so engage in leisure associated with work (extension pattern).
Deem - Women’s leisure choices are limited by responsibilities (dual burden), less disposable income, and feeling uncomfortable or unsafe in certain spaces.
Roberts - Many Asian workers put in long hours to support and visit family, so have less time for leisure.
Modernity - Cultural forms created by ethnic minorities reflect experiences of prejudice and discrimination.
What are some theories on leisure/consumption and globalisation?
Postmodernists - Globalisation has been key to identity coming from consumption and it has also led to people around the world using the same symbols to express their identity.
Bauman - Due to globalisation and the internet, identity has become fluid - we can constantly reinvent our identity and consumer society provides a never-ending range of products to identify with.
Marxists - Globalisation provides more opportunities for the bourgeoisie to make profit through dumbed-down mass culture.