Lego 23 Flashcards
WHSMPS Regs Cl 4 Meaning of Principle Hazards
Multiple deaths in a single incident or a series of recurring incidents
WHSMPS Regs Cl 14 Management of Risks to H & S
- Must Manage Risk
- Must ensure a risk assessment is done by competent person,
- Have regard to nature of hazard, liklihood affecting H & S, severity of the potential H & S consequences
WHS MPS Regs Cl 15 Review of Control Measures
- Audit of the SMS finds a deficiency
- A worker is removed form a hazard due to health monitoring
- A cl 124 incident occurs
- Any incident notified to the regulator
WHS MPS Regs Cl 16 Record of Certain Control Measures
Reviewed a control measure in response to a;
- notifiable incident or a 124.
- Must keep a record of: cause, workers H & S arising from it, recommendations, outcome of review, Summary of changes to SMS or PHMP
WHSMPS Regs cl 18 Duty to Establish a SMS
Operator must establish and implement SMS
- No mining until SMS in place
- SMS to form part of overall management system
- SMS designed to ensure health and safety so far as reasonably practical
- Must have regard for nature, location & complexity of operations
WHSMPS Regs CL 19 Contents of a SMS
Contents of a Safety Management System 21 Parts
- Health and safety Policy
- Health Monitoring
- Inspection
- Inductions
- Information, training & instruction
- Incidents & emergencies
- Consultation
- Communication across shifts
- Contractor management
- Risk management
- Resources to implement SMS
- Record keeping
- Supervision
- Safety role for workers
- Specific controls
- Withdrawal conditions
- Performance standards & audits
- Management structure
- Emergency plan
WHSMPS Cl 20 Duty to Provide information to Contractor
The operator of the mine must give the contractor all relevant information and access to enable them to identify any hazards
WHSMPS Regs Cl 22 Review of SMS
- within 1 year of commencement of mining
- Review SMS if a control is revised under WHS Regs Cl 38 or WHS MPS Cl 15
WHSMPS Cl 26 Contractor to Prepare plan or use SMS
Must not carry out mining operations unless:
- Contractor has H&S plan and has provided a copy to the operator
- Has obtained written notice from the operator and approved for siteAFARP implemented the plan, or
- Has reviewed the relevant parts of the mines SMS
- Has given the operator written notice they have conducted a review and is of the opinion the contractor SMS is consistent and in accordance with Cl 19
WHS MPS Regs Cl 29 Review of PHMP
Review required if controls revised under WHS Regs Cl 38 or WHS MPS Cl 15- Must be documented in the plan
WHSMPS Regs Cl 30 PCP’s
Health Control plan
Mechanical Engineering Control Plan
Electrical Engineering Control Plan
Explosives Control Plan
Emergency Plan
WHSMPS Regs Cl 31 Communication between outgoing and oncoming shifts
- Written report
- Signs this report
- Communicates
- Signs off
WHSMPS Regs Cl 32 Movement of Mobile plant
Risks to health & safety associated with mobile plant must be managed
- Design, layout, construction, maintenance of roads
- Risk of terrain adjacent land
- Interaction mobile plant and pedestrians
- Interactions mobile plant and fixed plant or structures
- Interaction between mobile plant & light vehicles
- Operation of remote controlled plant
- Maintenance & testing of mobile plant
WHSMPS Regs Cl 33 Explosive and Exposives Pre Cursors
Comply with S14 manage risks to H&S with explosives and explosive pre-cursors
-Safe to handle
- Fit for intended use
- As insensitive ARP to shock, spark, friction and the environment in which they are stored transported and used
- Simple to store, use, transport and control
- Comply with explosives act 2003 and AS 2187 Explosive Storage Transport and Use
WHS MPS Regs Cl 39 Inspections
Must ensure arrangements are in place for the regular inspection of the work environment
- Must take into account;
- procedures for inspections
- when inspections are to be carried out
- competent persons
- number of competent persons required
- Risk assessment must be carried out for all inspection areas
WHS MPS Regs Cl 41 Exposure standards
Exposure Standards TWA 8 hours (Feb 2021)
- Inhalable dust 10mgm3
- Respirable dust (coal mine) 1.5mgm3
- Diesel particulates 0.1mgm3
- Respirable quartz/silica 0.05mgm3
WHS MPS cl 45 Fatigue, Alcohol and Drugs
The operator of the mine must manage risks to heath & safety associated with
- worker fatigue
- consumption of alochol
- the use of drugs
WHS MPS Regs Cl 88 Inspection Plan
11 Items
- inspection plan
- divided into inspection areas, size, within time allocated
- production area at which coal is extracted
- drilling, haul roads, dumps or stockpiles
- concerns raised about size of production area
- concerns arising from inspection
- persons affected
- relevant manager
- senior manager notified of the remidial action
- concerns about the remedial action
- recording of the results
- regular and timely review
- at least once every shift - more frequently depending on risk
- mining supervisor or
- competent person
WHS MPS Cl 106 Duty to inform workers about SMS
The operator must ensure before a worker commences work -
- given a summary of the SMS
- informed of the right to see the documented SMS
- summarry of any relevant PHMP
- informed of the right to see any prepared PHMP
- Operator must ensure teh documented SMS is available on request
- Operator must ensure the following plans are available -
- each PCP
- emergency plan
- If the SMS is revised the operator must ensure each worker is made aware of the revisions
WHS MPS Cl 107 Duty to provide information, training and instruction
Mine operator must provide suitable information, training and instruction about -
- hazards from work
- control measures relating to fatigue and drugs and alcohol
- relevant parts of the SMS
- emergency plan
- workers safety role under Cl 114
- Each worker must be competent in basic risk management techniques
WHS MPS Cl 108 Duty to provide induction for workers
Workesr must be trained in the relevant parts of teh SMS before they commence work
WHS MPS Cl 109 Information for visitors
Operators must ensure authorised visitors are
- informed about risks they may be exposed to
- instructed on health and safety precautions
- instructed on the actions in the event of an emergency
WHS MPS Cl 110 Review of information, training and instruction
Operator must review and revise as necessary to remain relevant
WHS MPS Cl 111 Record of Training
Mine operator must
- make record of any training provided
- keep the record while the worker is engaged
- ensure the record id made available on request by the worker
WHS MPS Regs Cl 124 Duty to motify regulator of certain incidents
The operator of the mine must take all reasonable steps to notify the regulator after becoming aware of an incident (other than notifiable), but only if;
- The incident results in a serious injury or illness that requires medical treatment (cl 13 sch 9)
- Is a high potential incident
- Notification must also be made to the ISHR*
- Notification must be made no later than 7 days, or 48hrs if there was an injury or illness*
- Notification must be in writing, in a form requested by the regulator, details as specified in schedule 8, if there was an injury or illness
- A high potential incident means;
- An event in cl179, where a person could have reasonably been in the vicinity at the time.
- Misfires or unplanned explosions
- Unplanned events resulting in the evacuation of more than 1 person
- Injury or illness likely to result in more than 7 days lost time
- includes fractures
- Detection of atmospheric concentration of respirable dust that exceed the level specified
- Fire on mobile plant incl autonomous and remote
- Loss of control of autonomous or remote HME
- Spon com
WHS MPS Cl 125 Duty to notify regulator of other matters
- Commencement of mining operations
- Commencement if intermittent mining
- Connection of electricity if no Stat Electrical Engineer
- Closure of mine
- Recommencement of normal activities
- Significant interruption or suspension of mining
WHS MPS Cl 129 Mine Record
Operator must keep a record
- Any notices issued under WHS ACT Part 10 (enforcement measures)
- PINS issued
- All incidents notified to the regulator
- All records under WHS MPS Regs Cl 16/17 (risk management)
- Shift reports WHS MPS Regs Cl 31
- First aid treatments
WHS MPS Regs Cl 189 Serious Injury or Illness
- Fracture to a bone (other than hand or foot)
- Exposure / Medical treatment within 48hrs of exposure
- Immediate treatment as an inpatient in hospital
- Loss of bodily function
- Degloving/scalping
- Amputation
- Serious head injury
- Serious eye injury
- Serious burn
- Serious Laceration
- Spinal injury
WHSMPS Regs Cl 190 Dangerous Incident
20 Parts
An incident that exposes a worker or any other person to a risk from immediate or imminent exposure to;
- Collapse, overturning or damage to authorised plant
- Collapse or partial collapse of a structure
- Collapse of an excavation shoring
- Collision
- Contact with energised sources greater than 1200v
- Damage to any plant or structure
- Escape, spillage or leakage of a substance
- Escape of gas or steam
- Escape of a pressurized substance
- Electric shock
- Ejection of blasting rock outside the exclusion zone
- Failure of slope stability
- Fall or release form height of plant, substance or thing
- Implosion, explosion or fire
- Inrush of water, mud or gas into excavation or tunnel
- Loss of control of HE including Brake and Steering
- Overturning of plant or equipment weighing more than 1000kg
- Subsidence
- Spon com
- Unintended activation or failure to stop of vehicles or machinery
Principle Hazards Management Plans ROVOA (8 items)
- Mobile plant including LV’s
- Plant ans structures
- Fixed structures
- Public
- Design of mobile plant
- design of roads
- design of mine
- environmental impacts on road conditions
WHS MPS Sch 2 Pricipal Control Plans
Principle Control Plans
- Health Control Plan Control Measures for eliminating or minimising the exposure of workers to health hazards associated with
- dust
- noise
- hazardous substances
- contaminants, airborne or otherwise.
Workers are fit to carry out the work without causing a risk to their own or others safety.
not impaired by:
- fatigue, extreme tempatures, moisture content of air
- intoxication by alcohol or drugs
What must a health plan address?
- Monitoring of the existence of health hazards
- arrangements for monitoring the health of workers
- management of health records
WHS MPS Sch 3 High Risk Activities
High Risk Activities
WHS MPS Sch 6 Sampling airborne dust at Coalmines
WHSMPS Cl 40-44, WHS R CL49-52, WHSMPS Schedule 6 Samples must;
- breathing zone 300mm from centre of face
- licensed person
- taken over 80% of shift
- actual workplace
- entire shift
- analysed AS2985 & AS3640
- One respirable quartz
- 5 people (driller, shotfirer, stemmer, mobile plant operator)
- 12 monthly
WHS MPS Sch 7 Emergency Plans
1) Site and Hazard detail
2) command stricture and site personel
3) notifications
4) resources and equipment
5) procedures
WHS MPS Sch 8 Notifications of incidents
- Persons injured
- description of event
- consequence of the incident
WHS MPS Sch 9 Work Health and Safety Reports
(a) the suturing of a wound,
(b) the treatment of fractures,
(c) the treatment of bruises by drainage of blood, (d) the treatment of second and third degree burns
WHS MPS Sch 9 Cl 13
Definition of a Medical Treatment Injury 4 Parts
- Suturing of a wound
- Treatment of fractures
- The treatment of bruises by the drainage of blood
- the treatment of second and third degree burns
WHS MPS Sch 10 Stat Roles
Mine surveyor,
Eletrical Engineer,
Mechanical Engineer,
Qualified trades
Exp Regs CL9, CL10 (2) Who can Handle Explosives on site
- A natural person is required to hold a security clearance
- under the immediate supervision of a person who holds a security clearance
EXP Regs CL102 Notifications
Lost, stolen or an attempted theft or any other suspicious incident
Exp Regs CL103
Serious Incident means
- uncontrolled explosion or fire
- incident resulting in the death of, or serious injury
- any other risk of uncontrolled explosion
Exp Regs CL105 Ignition Sources
A person must not
- take any substances that can ignite or cause fire within 10 meters where explosives are handled.
- Smoke within 10 metres where explosives are handled
WHS Act Sec 18
Reasonably Practical
- What is reasonably able to be done to ensure health and safety taking into account
- the likelihood of the hazard or risk
- the degree of harm
- what the person should know about,
- the hazard or risk
- ways of minimising or eliminating the hazard or risk
- whether the cost associated is greatly disproportionate to the hazard or risk
WHS Act Sec 19
Primary Duty of CareA PCBU must SFARP -
- provide a work environment without risks to health and safety
- provide and maintain safe plant and structures
- provide and maintain safe systems of work
- provide and maintain adequate facilities
- provide information, training and supervision
- provide health monitoring
WHS Acts Sec 28 Duty of Workers
A worker must:
- care for his or her own Health and Safety
- care fore his or her acts or omissions do not adversely affect other persons
- comply with any reasonable instruction
- co-operate with any reasonable policy or procedure
WHS Act Sec 48
Nature of Consultation
- Relevant information must be shared with workers
- Ensure workers are given the opportunity to;
- Express their views and raise H&S issues
- Contribute to the decision making process
- Their views taken into account
- Advised of the outcome in a timely manner
- HSR must be involved when the represent workers
WHS Act Sec 49
When Consultation is Required
- Identifying hazards and assessing risks to H & S
- Making decisions about ways to eliminate or minimise those risks
- Making decisions about facilities that affect workers
- Proposing changes that affect the health and safety of workers
Decisions about the procedures for:
- Consultation
- Resolving WHS issues
- Health monitoring
- Workplace conditions
- Information, Training and Instruction
WHS Acts PT10 Enforcement Measures
- Improvement notice
- Probation notice
- non disturbance notice
WHS Acts Pt5 SHR’s
- Nominated by workers
- experience is member of workgroup,
- WHS Training Functions Represents workers for H & S matters
- investigates complaints
- inspect workplace
- accompany an inspector
- Nominated by workers
- is a worker at the mine
- 3 years at coal mine
- WHS Training. All functions of a HSR
- Observe formal investigations that must be notified to reguator
- can issue a PIN (Suspend operations as delegate only)
Nominated by workers
- Electrical tradesperson
- 5 years experience WHS training
- Electrical installations and equipment risks and their use
- PIN (Electrical)
- CFMEU appointed by minister
-WHS Training
- All functions of HSR
- Review SMS
- Participate in investigation
- training of MSHR
-Can issue a PIN / Suspend operations
WHS Regulations Cl 34
Duty holder must identify any foreseeable hazards SFARP
WHS Regulations Cl 35 Managing Risks
A duty holder must -
- eliminate risks to health and safety SFARP
- if risks cannot be eliminate then they must be minimised SFARP
WHS Regulations Cl 36
Hierarchy of Controls
- Only applies when unable to eliminate risks
- If not possible to eliminate then use 1 or more of
- Substitution
- Isolation
- Engineering
- Administrative
WHS Regulations Cl 37 Maintenance of Control Measures
Duty holder must ensure control measures are maintained so they remain effective
WHS Regulations Cl 38 Review of Control Measures
Duty holder must review and revise control measures to maintain a safe work environment
- Must review control measure in the following circumstance;
- if a control does not control the risk
- before a change that may create a new hazard or make control ineffective
- consultation indicates a review is necessary
- HSR requests a reviewA change includes -
- the workplace or any aspect of the work environment
- a system, process or procedure
WHS Regulations Cl 49 Provision for information, training and instruction
- Nature of The Work carried out by The worker
- Nature of The risks associated with The Work
- control measures implemented
- readily understandable by any person to whom it is provided
WHS Regulations Cl 42 First Aid
Provision of first aid
- has access to the equipement
- access to facilities to treat first aid
- A PCBU must ensure
- adequate numbers of workers are trained to administer
- adequate number of other persons who have been trained to administer first aid.
Must have regard to;
- nature of work being carried out
- nature of the hazards
- size and location of the workplace
- number and composition of the workers and other persons
WHP MPS Acts S14 Notifable incident
Death, serious injury / illness, dangerous incident
WHP MPS Acts S17
When a notifiable incident occurs the incident site is not to be disturned until an inspector arrives at the incident site