Legislative Acts Flashcards
Smith- Hughes Act
1917- Provided education and voc training to displaced workers
Soldiers Rehabilitation Act
1918- helped to develop a priority of service to those were injured in WWI
Smith-Fess Act (Vocational Rehab Act)
1920- Expanded services to include individuals with other types of disabilities. Congress provided funding for voc guidance, training, occ adjustment services and job placement
Social Security Act
1935- Provided benefits to persons with specific types of disabilities. Benefits available to children and spouses of workers who were disabled and unable to work. VR was made a permanent federal program.
Randolph-Sheppard Act
1936- Provided priority to service contracts for persons who were blind, to operate vending stands on federal property.
Wagner O’Day Act
1938-Helped sheltered workshops compete for federal contracts by giving them the first opportunity to bid on Federal contracts.
Javits Wagner O’Day Act
1971- extended purchase authority to sheltered workshops for people with severe disabilities in addition to blindness
Barden La Follette Act (Vocational Rehab Act)
1943- extended services to people with psychiatric disabilities and intellectual disabilities. expanded physical restoration and expanded voc rehab for the blind.
Rehabilition Act
1973- most significant contribution to the disability movement. This act made it a priority to provide vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with severe disabilities.
Workforce Investment Act
1998- intended to streamline workforce development, designed to benefit employers and employees.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
2014-in effect 2015-2020. Replaced WIA. intent is to better align the workforce system with education and economic development.
- youth in transition (Pre-ETS)
- multi agency collaboration
- improves services to employers
- promotes work based learning
- ensures competitve integrated employment.
What did an IEP used to be called when the Rehab Act of 1973 was enacted?
IWRP- Individual Written Rehabilitation Plan
Which Title of the Rehab Act of 1973 advanced civil rights for people with disabilities
Title V
Sections 501-508
Americans with Disabilities act- list year and titles
1990- most prominent civil rights legislation for individuals with disabilities.
Title I. Employment
Title II. Public entities- commuter rail service must have one accessible car.
Title III. Public acommodations- previous public facilities must be made accessible (renovations) if possible, new construction must be accessible
Title IV. Telecommunication
Title V. Miscellaneous Provisions
ADA Amended in what year?
What amendments to ADA occurred in 2008?
Three pronged definition of disability: A person is regarded as having a disability if:
- There is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity
- There is a record of physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity
- An individual is regarded as having a disability by others.ie an employer takes an action prohibited by the ADA based on actual or perceived impairment