Legislation Table Flashcards
Stamp Act March 22, 1765; repealed March 18, 1766 but Declaratory Act passed
-Riots in cities; collectors forced to resign; Stamp Act Congress (Oct. 1765)
-Patrick Henry introduces 5 Resolutions in House Burgesses protesting this act =Va. Resolves
Daughters of Liberty
Sugar Act April 5, 1764
- Several assemblies protest taxation for revenue
- Petition started by James Otis, Mass. “deprived Americans of the right to assess their own taxes
Quartering Act May 1765
Protest in assemblies; New York Assembly punished for failure to comply (1767) by suspension
Declaratory Act March 18, 1766
- Ignored in celebration over repeal of the Stamp Act
- “No” taxation without representation” is tyranny (James Otis)
Townshend Revenue Acts June 26, 29 July 2, 1767; all repealed except duty on tea, March 1770
- Nonimportation of British goods; assemblies protest; newspapers attack British policy
- Boston massacre
Tea Act May 10, 1773
- Protests against favoritism shown to monopolistic company; tea destroyed in Boston (December 16, 1773)
- Boston tea party
Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts) March – June 1774
- Boycott of British, First Continental Congress convenes (September 1774
- Patrick Henry Quote “Give me liberty or give me death”
Quebec Act June 22, 1774
“The shot heard round the world”
-Apr. 1775 Lexington and Concord
Prohibitory Act December 22, 1775
- Drives Continental Congress closer to decision for independence
- Thomas Paine Common Sense Declaration of Independence