What does the AWA 2006 cover?
Vertebrate animals
Who does the AWA apply to?
Anyone responsible for/owning a vertebrate animal
What does the AWA 2006 outline and ensure?
An act of parliament that outlines the duty of care to animals by their keepers, it ensures welfare is maintained
What are the 5 animal needs?
The need to have a suitable diet
The need to have a suitable environment
The need to be housed with or apart from others
The need to exhibit natural behaviours
The need to be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease.
What is section 4 of the AWA 2006
Hitting cat with car vs not braking.
Unnecessary suffering - An act or failure to act that causes an animal to suffer
What is section 5 of the AWA 2006?
Mutilation - Covers prohibited procedures. Performing them or allowing them to be.
What is section 6 of the AWA 2006?
Tail docking - Prohibits removing any part of the tail unless for medical treatment or a working dog
What is section 7 of the AWA 2006?
Administrations of poisons - Giving poisonous or harmful drug/substance knowingly and/or not taking steps to prevent it
What is section 8 of the AWA 2006?
Causes fights to take place, publicising, receiving money, take part in, treat or train animals to take part in this, placing bets
Who are the codes of practice developed by?
The Department For Environment, Food And Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
What can the codes of practice be used for?
As guidelines to ensure animal welfare needs are being met
What animals are there codes of practice for?
Dogs, cats, horses, ponies, donkeys and non-human primates
What are the differences between the AWA 2006 and The animal health and welfare act 2006 (Scotland) ?
No exemptions on tail docking
Penalty of 12 months
All prosecutions done through authorities
What are the differences between the AWA 2006 and the welfare of animals act 2011 (Northern Ireland)?
Hunting isnot included.
Penalty of up to 5 years
What does the microchipping of dogs regulations 2015 ensure?
All dogs are microchipped
At what age must dogs be microchipped by ?
8 weeks - unless it would effect the puppies health, or puppy is certified as working dog by a VS then can be done at 12 weeks
What is the fine if a dog is not chipped?
Who’s responsibility is it to ensure a puppy is microchipped?
The breeders
What’s the minimum age a puppy can be chipped?
6 weeks
What animals are also required to be chipped?
Exotic species under CITES
What does the animal welfare (licencing of activities involving animals) regulations 2018 cover?
providing the provision of boarding cats and dogs
Hiring out horses
Dog breeding
Keeping or training animals for exhibition
Who can implant a microchip?
A VS or RVN under direction of VS
An SVN or student VS under direction of VS
A layperson who has undergone the correct training
Why was the animals act 1971 put into place?
To provide for damage done by animals
E.g the protection of livestock from dogs
Civil Liability - Legally responsible
What dogs are banned by the dangerous dogs act 1991?
Pit Bull Terrier
Japanese Tosa
Dogo Argentino
Fila Braziliero