Legislation Flashcards
What is the Health and Safety at Work Act?
Duties for HSC employers to follow to ensure safety of employees, visitors and customers
What does the Health and Safety at Work Act require?
Carry out risk assessment to control risk
Inform workers about hazards associated with work process, chems or activities
Provide a safe place of work
Appoint a competent person responsible for health and safety
Why is it important to follow Health and Safety at Work Act ?
Nursery not carrying out risk assessment – no hazards discovered, uneven carpets could cause trips which could result in a broken limb of a child or employee.
Limitation of health and safety at work act?
Hard to implement because cost of safety measures may be too expensive and not a priority at this moment, so establishments may not carry out risk assessments to save money and time, or do a poor job of risk assessment. This could cause harm to staff, customers and visitors as hazards aren’t discovered
What is Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999?
Places a duty on employers to assess and manage risks to their employees and other’s which occur due to work activities/practices.
What does the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require?
Undertake an assessment of the risks to the health and safety of employees and others
Employers of 5 or more employees should record the main points from the risk assessment
Make arrangements for managing health and safety
Provide up to date information
Ensure adequate training is given
Ensure no tasks beyond their ability are given
Why is it important to comply with Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 ?
For examples, In a hospital there needs to be risk assessments for each part of the equipment – if it was faulty this could cause harm and eventually financial loss.
Limitation of Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 ?
Time consuming to do regular assessments – which may mean they are not done well.
What is Food Safety Act 1990 ?
Make sure they do not treat the food that is damaging to people’s health- not adding or removing anything from food
What does Food Safety Act 1990 require?
Provides a framework including – businesses should not treat, add or take something from the food which could be damaging
The food is in a nature that the consumer would expect
Food is labelled, advertised and presented in a way that is not false or misleading
Why is it important to follow food safety act 1990?
When the food in a nursery is not consumed and so additives are given to the food to ensure it is fresher for longer- this would be illegal. Some may do this to save money. This legislation prevents things such as additives being added to food to keep service users/consumers safe as these additives could cause illness.
What is Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995?
In response to a need for greater hygiene – sets standards for employers to abide by when they sell consumer goods (all stages production, selling)
What does Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995 require?
Sanitation – making sure food is clean and safe
Employee must be trained
Must complete risk assessment
Understand principles of food
-All of this protects public health
Why is it important to follow Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995?
In school, the kitchen would need to stick to a high hygiene standard that is readily checked so that consumers do not get ill and they know what they are eating
Limitation of Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995?
Fairly easy to implement, however if the manufacturer has not followed this, the supplier will need to. Therefore can add to a persons workload significantly.
What is Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992?
Transportation of heavy objects in the work environment need to be safe, through the implementation of risk assessments and the reduction of risks.
What does Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 require?
Risk assessments needed
Alternative methods
Training needed to lift heavy objects
Provide equipment to assist
Why is it important to follow Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992?
No risk assessments or training in the hospital for heavy equipment that needs lifting (an x-ray machine) could cause back injury
Limitation of Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992?
Professions needed for training- more money, not enough funding.
What is Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013?
Law is required for people in control to report incidents in the workplace- in a file or accident book, up to date and recording EVERYTHING (incl death).
What does Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013 require?
Accident books for those with more than 10 employees
Records must be kept for at least 3 years after the date of last incident
Accidents must be recorded within 10 days
Keep for 5-6 years to ensure civil litigation to be made
Why is it important to follow Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Regulations (RIDDOR) 2013?
School must report teacher injury, otherwise they may be sued and the teacher cannot get proper medical treatment or sick pay.
Limitation of riddor?
Fairly easy to follow, but everyone must follow the procedure
What is Data Protection Act 1998 (GDPR)?
Controls how personal information is used – intends to protect individuals against misuse or abuse of info
What does Data Protection Act 1998 (GDPR) require?
Everyone is responsible for the following:
-Fair processing,
-not used for anything that it was not intended for,
-be adequate but not excessive,
-and be accurate, up to date and not retained for any longer than necessary
Why is it important to follow Data Protection Act 1998 (GDPR)?
School did not keep information confidential, so a child is in danger – e.g. a child in care’s information they may be approached by their original parent which may cause them psychological harm.
Limitation of Data Protection Act 1998 (GDPR)?
Very lengthy, requires shredding (buy a shredder)
What is Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) 2002?
Requires employers to control substances and reduce exposure e.g. chemicals, fumes, dust, gases, bio agents and germs that cause diseases.
What does Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) 2002 require?
Provide training on the substances
Keep control measures in place and are working
Exposures are below the limit
Exposure to anything causing cancer, asthma or genetic damage is reduced to as low as poss
Dangerous substances are away from children
Why is it important to follow Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) 2002?
Not smoking around young children in a nursery – having a no smoking policy
Limitation of Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) 2002?
Relatively easy, just preventative- except for in a hospital where more steps have to be taken which can be time consuming.
What is Civil Contingences Act 2004?
Establishes clear set of roles for those involved in emergency preparations at the local level - HSC environments preparing for incidents.
What does Civil Contingences Act 2004 require?
Assess risk of emergencies occurring
Use this to inform contingency plans
Put in place business continuity arrangements (how can the jobs continue?)
Co-operate with other local responders to enhance co-ordination and efficiency (e.g. other schools)
Why is it important to follow Civil Contingences Act 2004?
Fire drills – using other schools to help and to evacuate into.
Limitation of Civil Contingences Act 2004?
Just need to be organised – risk assessments can be taken once a year and they need to have contact details.