Legal System: advantages and Disadvantages of juries Flashcards
advantages of juries
Public confidence
Jury equity
Open system of justice
Secrecy of jury room
Perverse decisions
Jury tampering
Bias / media coverage
Lack of understanding
Secrecy of jury room
Lord Judge quote adv of juries
’ safeguard against oppression and dictatorship)
Pointing’s case (1984)
- A jury acquitted the civil servant, who had leaked information despite signing Official Secrets Act
- Judge said D had no legal defence.
- Juries can decide based on fairness over legal rules.
- Their verdicts cannot be challenged
Bushell’s case (1670)
- Jury acquitted Quaker activists despite fines and imprisonment.
- They were released after appeal.
- Juries decide on facts, and judges cannot challenge that decision
Kronlid (1996)
A group of peace campaigners admitted causing damage to a hawk jet fighter but pleaded not guilty on basis that they were saving innocent lives. The jury acquitted them
KS v R (2010)
Jury interference occurred due to shared break areas with the public.
The approach was opportunistic, not deliberate.
Highlights the potential risk of jury tampering.
Sander 2000
- A juror reported concerns about racist remarks and jokes from other jurors via note to judge .
- The EctHR ruled the judge should have discharged the jury.
- This posed an obvious risk of racial bias and violated the right to a fair trial (Article 6).
Mirza 2004
A juror complained about racial bias influencing the jury’s decision.
The secrecy of jury deliberations prevents the court from inquiring into decisions.
This highlights the tension between jury independence and addressing potential bias.
Perverse decisions
can be a protest against the law jurors feel unjust - may not appear justified i.e kronlid (1996)
Jury tampering
bribery/threats i.e KS V R (2010)
Media coverage bias
Media coverage may influence jurors i.e Taylor and Taylor (1993)
Lack of understanding
Lack of understanding - especially for fraud trails (most juries removed) = complex +time - consuming -> no min. education or legal qual
Jury bias
-Radical views/bias as there is no right to a multi-racial jury
Media i.e sander 2000
Secrecy of jury room - dis
Secrecy of the jury room means that there is no way of knowing how they came to the decision + possibility of questionable outcomes which cannot be appealed(i.e Mirza (2004)
Public confidence
- Public Confidence - fundamentals of a democratic society i.e lord judge quote
Jury equity
- Jury equity- decide on fairness and not the word of law i.e pointing’s case
Open system of justice
- Open system of justice-> Lawyers explain things clearly so that the general public & defendant can understand and follow the proceeding - accessible, empowering, ordinary take part
Secrecy of jury room
- Secrecy of the jury room - not influenced by outside pressure i.e Bushell’s case 1670