ADR Flashcards
- agreement between parties -> no 3rd party (can use solicitors/unqualified rep)
- forms f2f, telephone, email etc
-process - continue talking till res. made/fails - success- agreement - > enforcean;e if parties formally agree
- neutral party - help reach compromise -> facilitator (passive role)
- compulsory small claims cases & often used relationships i.e relate
- control over resolution process -> can withdraw @ any time
resolution cannot b imposed parties must agree - alt . approac formalised settlement conference - mini-trial w/ no bnding results
- Centre for Effective DR (CEDR) deals w/ companies (80% resolved)
- neutral party -> active role -> reach compromise -> pwr to suggest grounds for compromise/settlement
used in industrial disputes i.e ACAS = employment law - parties control over resolution -> can withdraw @ anytime
- resolution cannot be imposed -> must be agreed to
arbitration - the arbitrator
- may be more than 1 OR Panel
- institute for arbitrators provide trained arbitrators for major disputes
- agreement will either name an arbitrator/method for choosing one
- court may appoint an arbitrator
arbitration - the process
- voluntary agreement
- Agreements governed by Arbitration Act 1996 & usually in writing
- agreement can be made before a dispute arises -> ‘Scott v Avery clause’
- may be used for situations such as building contracts, holiday contracts/various business contracts
arbitration the hearing
- left to parties to agree procedure/hearing
- can be paper based
- witnesses give evidence on oath
- Date, time & place left to parties
arbitration - the award
- binding
- can be enforced via courts
- final
-only be challenged in courts on grounds of serious irregularity
advantages of civil courts
- fair
- expert
- enforceable
- appeal
disadvantages of civil courts
- cost
- delays
- uncertainty
- adversial
advantages of civil courts - fair
- impartial judge
- everyone treated alike
- judge control proceedings via. allocation questionnaire (right track) & case management (sets strict timetable i.e length of hearing)
- minimise delays
advantage of civil courts - expert
- legal qualified judge
- expert on law & experience w/ similar cases
- appropriate complex legal issue cases
- competent legal decision
advantages of civil courts - enforcement
- legally binding decision
- guarantee resolution
- cannot walk away
- ADR may provide extra cost if failed + goes to court
advantages of civil courts - appeal
- clear structured appeal system for unhappy party
- appeals not limited to PoL
- ensures a fair, just and correct decision is made
disadvantages of civil courts - cost
- formality & complexity -> legal representation & advice
- cost exceed amount claimed
- lose = pay other sides costs
- 2013 winning party can only claim costs ‘proportionate’ to value of claim
- discourages ppl & restricts access esp. w/ limited legal aid
disadvantages of civil courts - delays
- preliminary stages = lengthy
- usually a wait = a yr
- priority to bigger trials -> great delay small claims
- technical expertise - may require expert witnesses = further delays
disadvantages of civil courts - uncertainty
- outcome & cost
- success = no guarantee defendant pay claimant
- enforcement action needed
- additional expense + inconvenience
Disadvantages of civil courts - adversial
- winner & loser
- winner takes all & loser pays costs
- no compromise
- personal & business relations destroyed
- court system very formal & intimidating for some.
advantages of negotiation
- Only involves parties themselves- no lawyers
- Can happen anytime- while preparing case for court so no wasting time
- Cheapest method
- Outcome is confidential and private
- Relationships maintained
disadvantages of negotiation
- may not be success -> need courts & not legally binding
- not suitable for some i.e antagonistic/unwilling to co-op
- repeated unsuccessful -> prolong issue and xtra cost
advantages of mediation and conciliation
- parties in control -> withdraw @ any point
- decision commercial sense not strict app. of law
- preserve relationships -> avoid adversarial conflict
- mediation saves approx. £3.8 bn to businesses/yr & mandatory step for small claims
disadvantages of Mediation and conciliation
- no guaranteed resolution -> still go court -> additional cost and delay
- relies on skilled 3rd party -> so weaker party not forced to accept compromise
- amount pid -> oft. lower than other forms of ADR + courts
advantages of arbitration
- parties choose arbitrator
- no need for as many expert witnesses if arbitrator expert
- time and venue decided by party -> suit commitments -> less formal & quicker
- paper opt. work & life continued whilst waiting for decision
- private
- award is final
Disadvantages of arbitration
- unexpected PoL -> not suitable non-lawyers
- fees for professional arbitrators = expensive
- formal hearing opt. -> expensive
- delays for commercial & international -> may be as great as courts
- rights of appeal limited