Legal Services Principles Flashcards
Regulators of legal profession (x6)
Legal services board; SRA; BSB; chartered institute of legal executives; council for licensed conveyancers; costs lawyers standards board
Who a client can complain to (x4)
1) Law firm (complaints procedure)
2) Legal ombudsman (resolving instead of disciplining - can require solicitor to apologies, pay compensation, put right error, take specific action, pay complainant’s costs, limit firm’s fees)
3) SRA (can issue warning to firm, impose disciplinary sanctions like fines, reprimand solicitor for professional misconduct, order solicitor to repay whole of part of costs to client, impose restrictions on lawyer’s ability to practice, institute disciplinary proceedings before SDT, revoke recognition of form, close down a firm)
4) Solicitors disciplinary tribunal (SDT - independent statutory body which deals with serious breaches and disciplines solicitors) (can strike solicitor off the roll, suspend solicitor, reprimand solicitor, impose fine, award costs against a party to proceedings, make a restriction order to area in which solicitor can practice)
The law society
- Represents solicitors in England and wales to the public
- Supports solicitors in their career and practice
- Fights a solicitor’s corner
Role of SRA (x3: ASD)
1) Authorises orgs to provide legal services. Orgs need authorising to provide:
- Reserved legal activities (unless exempt): ALIPO
- Immigration services (unless regulated by OISC)
- Claims management services (unless regulated by FCA)
- Regulated financial activities (unless regulated by FCA)
2) Standards (sets and enforces them) (SRA adopts a risk-based approach to regulation and requires law firms and staff to take steps to reduce those risks)
3) Disciplinary matters (see previous card on who client can complain to - x8)
SRA standards and regulations
SRA principles; CCS; CCF; SRA accounts rules (regulate how law firms hold and manage client money)
SRA Indemnity Insurance Rules
Requires law firms to take out professional indemnity insurance and they must not exclude or attempt to exclude liability below the minimum level of cover required
(Where a client or 3rd party claims against solicitor (or gives notice it will) and the claim may be covered by the firm’s indemnity insurance policy, the insurers should be notified immediately)
Reserved legal activities (x5)
Can only be provided by someone authorised by an approved regulator (except certain charities)
1) Rights of audience (right to appear before and address court + call and examine witnesses)
2) Conduct of litigation
3) Reserved instrument activities (for transfer, charge, application, or registration under LRA 2002 + preparing other instrument relating to real (land) or personal estate)
4) Certain probate activities
5) Administration of oaths
x3 types of organisations that can be authorised by SRA to provide legal services
1) Sole practice/ sole principal (indv practices in own name or under trading name. Can employ qualified solicitors as long as they’re not principals too. Not a limited company)
2) Legal services body (all managers/ interest holders are lawyers. Eg partnership, company, LLP)
3) Licensable body (aka ABS) (managers/ interest holders include non-lawyers. At least one non-lawyer must be a manger/ interest holder)
Law firm structures
1) Traditional partnerships
- PAs supersede act
- Advs: flexible structure; culture; control and DM - owners are partners who make day to day decisions; profit sharing; privacy
- Disadvs: traditional methods for raising finance; shared D; partners run firm; unlimited liability; tax burden on indv; foreign expansion tricky as not recognised in every jurisdiction
2) LLPs
- Hybrid: internal flexibility but single entity with limited liability and separate legal personality
- Advs: limited liability; tax neutral; increased funding opportunities
- Disadvs: less tax efficient than a company; increased filing responsibilities; external investment
3) Incorporated company
- Most popular, esp post 2008
- Separate legal personality
- Directors owe duties to company, not shareholders
- Shareholders have rights against company
- Creditors contract with the company
- Advs: limited liability for shareholders; clear DM (board day to day); easier to raise finance; tax advantages; foreign expansion
- Disadvs: administration and filings; tax issues if transitioning from partnership plus company profits taken out as director renumeration which has significant NI liabilities; lack of transparency (CH - open to public)
Multi national law firms
Registered foreign lawyers practising in England and Wales must comply with CCS and other SRA regs
SRA reg indvs and authorised bodies practising outside England and Wales must comply with SRA Overseas Rules 2013 (with certain CCS provisions - Overseas and Cross Border Practice Rules within SRA Standards and Regs)
Law centres (legal advice to public and casework undertaken for clients) and legal advice centres (for public but no casework undertaken)
Free service or subject to contribution from legal aid
Solicitors must comply with CCS even if unpaid + pro-bono work covered by indemnity
Could be authorised by SRA. MUST be if doing a reserved legal activity (eg litigation, rights of audience, etc)
In house practice (in non-legal businesses)
CCS still relevant
Equality Act 2010: protected characteristics; types of unlawful discrimination; reasonable adjustments requirement
Protected characteristics: age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage/ CP; pregnancy/ maternity; race; religion/ belief; sex; sexual orientation. Firm must NOT discriminate because of these
x4 types of discrimination:
1) DIRECT (treated less favourably by someone because of characteristic)
2) INDIRECT (acts/ decisions/ policies which aren’t intended to treat anyone less favourably but which disadvantage a group of people with a certain characteristic)
3) HARASSMENT (1) general = engaging in unwanted conduct related to characteristic which violates someone’s dignity or creates intimidating/ hostile/ degrading/ humiliating/ offensive environment for that person base on their perception/ circumstances/ reasonableness) (2) sexual + 3) less favourable treatment of comeone who rejected sexual or gender reassignment harassment)
4) VICTIMISATION (people bringing discrimination claims/ complaining of harassment or becoming involved in someone else’s discrimination complaints targeted)
Disability provisions
- Level playing field for disabled people necessitates not only the absence of negative treatment, but also positive steps to reduce the barriers that disabled people may face
Reasonable adjustments made by anyone providing goods, services, facilities to public or carrying out public functions or running association which encounters barriers to disabled people
- Needed where disabled person would otherwise be placed at a substantial disadvantage compared with people who are not disabled
- ANTICIPATORY duty - preempt what people with a range of impairments may reasonably need
- REASONABLE adjustments depends on size and nature of org, resources available, etc
- Disabled person can claim if can show barriers were present which should have been identified and where reasonable adjustment could have been made (£ + order to implement adjustment)
- x3 requirements: 1) change practice or stop it completely; 2) physical features of premises (remove it, alter it, give reasonable alternative); 3) auxiliary services (extra aids to make it easier for disabled people to make use of services)
What is money laundering?
The cleaning of proceeds from serious crime (drug trafficking, terrorism, theft tax evasion, fraud, counterfeiting, blackmail) to make the source of the funds harder to trace OR simply benefiting from small proceeds of minor crime
Why are law firms at risk of ML?
They can legitimise a transaction; have access to financial markets; advise on property and business deals
Who do ML rules apply to?
Lawyers, business professionals, etc - broad
KYC policies come from MLR requirements
Who ensures compliance with MLR and PoCA?
COLP, COFA, partners (managers), MLRO (required)
Indvs self-aware
Updated AML Risk Assessment written record of steps taken must be kept (reg 18)
Internal procedures/ policies/ reporting processes eg est procedures to forestall and prevent operations relating to ML
x4 elements of ML
1) Criminal source of funds disguised
2) Form of funds converted
3) Trail of conversion is disguised
4) Launderer retains control of funds (direct or indirectly)
What can solicitors do to protect from ML?
Careful of who give details of client account to - launderers could deposit money without solicitor knowing. Failure to manage client account properly breaches CCS and SRA Accounts Rules
Solicitors could be used in ML process as cash deposit account for inwards transmission to 3rd party; helping client acquire property/ invest in business/ buy asset with money from proceeds of crime; set up transaction structures and hide source of funds; firms client account mixed with clean and dirty cash to disguise audit trail
Referral from trusted client is NO defence to ML offences
x7 ML warning signs
Instructions outside your firm
Use of client accounts
Unusual retainers
Money coming from or being sent to offshore tax havens
Money from high risk jurisdictions
Setting up a trust
Property purchase
ML suspicious fact patters
Similar names and addresses of seller and buyer; seller and buyer both from jurisdiction outside UK; mistake overpayment to client account; money from 3rd party who’s not your client; client asking you to send money to an unknown 3rd party; docs appear to show seller and buyer with similar signatures; clients attempting to pay large sums in cash; offshore vehicles being made parties to a deal; money coming from or being requested to be sent to offshore tax havens
Buying property quickly, in cash from a relative
ML Hugh risk jurisdictions
DPRK, Iran, Myanmar (FATF list)
Afghanistan, Barbados, Cambodia, Cayman Islands, Haiti, Syria, Uganda, Vanuatu, Yemen, Dem Rep Congo, South Sudan, Trinidad and Tobago, Tanzania, Philippines, Iran
PoCA x3 direct involvement offences
s327 concealing, disguising, converting, or transferring/ removing criminal property from UK
s328 involvement in arrangement which you suspect/ know facilitates acquisition, retention, use or control of criminal property by or on behalf of another
s329 acquiring, using, or possessing criminal property