Legal Principles and Statutory Basis of Planning: Amendments Flashcards
Amendments-related law
Amendment associated with Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, and Freedom of Association
1st Amendment
Amendment associated with just compensation for takings
5th Amendment
Amendment associated with due process, substantive due process, procedural due process, and equal protection
14th Amendment
What planning cases are applied to the 1st Amendment’s Freedom of Speech?
adult uses and signs
What planning cases are applied to the 1st Amendment’s Freedom of Religion?
religious facilities
What planning cases are applied to the 1st Amendment’s Freedom of association?
group homes
What planning cases are applied to the 5th Amendment?
eminent domain
What planning cases are applied to the 14th Amendment?
due process of takings, eminent domain, and exactions
What are exactions?
a condition for development imposed on a parcel of land
What is the 14th Amendment’s Substantive due process about?
validity of the rule itself, often related to aesthetics
What is the 14th Amendment’s Procedural due process about?
whether rules are applied fairly, often how an ordinance was applied
___________ is often applied to exclusionary zoning
equal protection
Taking of property without just compensation is a violation of which Amendments?
5th and 14th
The Court upheld a zoning scheme that decentralized sexually oriented businesses in Detroit.
Young v. American Mini Theaters, Inc.; U.S. Supreme Court (1976)
1st Amendment
No different treatment for commercial vs. noncommercial speech; the government can regulate signs for aesthetics but not based on content.
What is the case and amendment?
Metromedia, Inc. v. City of San Diego; U.S. Supreme Court (1981)
1st Amendment
Sign regulations are allowed if based on aesthetics, not content, even if content-based regulations can promote legitimate interests.
What is the case and amendment?
Members of City Council v. Taxpayers for Vincent; U.S. Supreme Court (1984)
1st Amendment
Zoning restrictions on adult entertainment are permissible as long as not based on content and there’s some availability for such businesses.
What is the case and amendment?
City of Renton v. Playtime Theatres, Inc.; U.S. Supreme Court (1986)
1st Amendment
Protects religious institutions from substantial burdens unless justified by compelling interest and least restrictive means.
What is the case and amendment?
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000
1st Amendment
Sign regulations cannot discriminate against signs directing to religious meetings compared to other messages.
What is the case and amendment?
Reed et al. v Town of Gilbert Arizona (2014)
1st Amendment
Government can regulate business prices when it affects the public good.
What case and Amendment?
Munn v. Illinois; U.S. Supreme Court (1876)
14th Amendment