Legal, moral, cultural and ethical issues Flashcards
Data Protection Act 1998 applies to…
Applies to info stored on both computers AND organised paper filing systems
What is meant by personal data?
Any data used to identify a living person
e.g address, name
An individual which can be identified by personal data is referred to as …..
the data subject
What is meant by a data subject?
An individual which can be identified by personal data is referred to as data subject
Give ways in which data subjects can be protected by the law
-PD processed fairly and lawfully
-PD obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purpose
-PD is accurate and kept upto data
-PD not kept for longer than needed
-PD process in accordance with rights of data subjects
-Appropriate measures taken against accidental loss/destruction and missuse of PD
-PD not transferred to any country outside of European Economic Area unless this place ensures an adequate level of data protection
What rights does the Data Protection act 1998 also give to data subjects?
-Request copy of data being held by them
-Right to correct data about them
-Prevent marketing using their contact details
Computer misuse act 1990
Concerns malicious use of computers
-Unauthorised access of computer materials
-Unauthorised access with intent to commit something else
-Unauthorised modification of computer material
Copyright, design and Patents Act 1988
To protect people’s property online such as logos and music recordings…
If work is original then copyright automatically applies and this wont expire until later after death of owner
Regulation of investigatory Powers Act 2000
Covers investigation, surveillance and interception of communication by public bodies (eg police)
-Can make Internet services providers and phone companies give info up
- Law which states how organisations can monitor
electronic communications - Allows interception of communications
- Allows them to get communications information from
Internet service providers - Allows them to perform surveillance (e.g. key logging)
What is meant by ethics?
Values as a community and how these impact diff groups in society
What is meant by morals?
Personal code of conduct
-How we choose to behave and our decisions
What is meant by automated decision making?
The process of making a decision by automated means without any human involvement
Give examples of when automated decision making is used
1.Used to determine what diff users should be displayed on theit social media feeds
-May be based on users’ past interactions
2.Job applications
3. Driveless cars (algorithms may react faster than humans)
What is meant by AI?
The ability of a computer to replicate human intelligience and cognitive ability
What is meant by Censorship?
Surpressing the content people are able to view and publish
What is piracy?
The unauthorised copying of content
What is meant by data mining?
The process of collecting large amounts of data (called big data) from a number of sources such as large data sets to make inferences and patterns on people’s behaviour, likes/dislikes
e.g for targetted advertising
Data protection act 1998
-PD processed fairly and lawfully
-PD obtained only for one or more specified and lawful purpose
-PD is accurate and kept upto data
-PD not kept for longer than needed
-PD process in accordance with rights of data subjects
-Appropriate measures taken against accidental loss/destruction and missuse of PD
-PD not transferred to any country outside of European Economic Area unless this place ensures an adequate level of data protection
What is this?
- Law which states how organisations can monitor
electronic communications - Allows interception of communications
- Allows them to get communications information from
Internet service providers - Allows them to perform surveillance (e.g. key logging)
- Certain actions require government approval
- Different organisations have different limits on what
they can do
The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act