Legal Issues: RM and Disclosure Flashcards
NY State Campaign for Action GOALS
- Collaborate with a broad array of stakeholders
- Activate on local, state and national levels
- Communicate the call to action
- Monitor results to ensure accountability
Risk Management for Nurses
- legal obligation to practice in a legally safe manner
- develop a personal risk management plan to minimize the possibility of malpractice and disciplinary actions
failure to act as a reasonably prudent person would act under the same circumstances
negligence by a professional
a threat or attempt to inflict bodily harm combined with the ability to commit the act, i.e. “If you move one more inch, I’ll tie you to the bed”
intentional harmful or offensive contact tht occurs without consent (use of restraints without an order or a written policy of protocol)
publication of defamatory statements (Nurses Notes will be scrutinized for libel)
oral defamatory statements (can be words or gestures)
Statute of Limitations
there are periods defined by state statute during which you may file a claim or it is forever barred
Informed Consent
permission given for a proposed treatment of procedure following full disclosure of risks, benefits, and alternatives by the physician - when you are asked to sign your name as a witness on the consent form. Remember you are witnessing the patient’s signature only!
Important to reflect on patient care… remember you are never alone
Disclosure (legal definition)
The act or process of making known something that was not previously unknown
Disclosure (medical definition)
The communication of information about the outcomes of diagnostic tests, medical treatment, and surgical intervention, regardless of whether the outcomes are anticipated or unanticipated
Joint Commission: Position on Apologies
- does not mandate apologies
- White Papers recommending legislation to protect disclosure and apology from being used as evidence in litigation against practitioners
- NY has no such protection
Sorry Works Coalition
Public advocacy group (like Leap Frog); launched in Feb 2005… advocates for root cause analysis after every “adverse event”
Not the same as disclosure; depends on institution policies; disclosure without an apology, apology may diffuse a bad situation and possibly avoid litigation … BE CAUTIOUS