Legal Issues Flashcards
Consent is
informed, freely given and given by a person with capacity for the decision in question maintained during the period of treatment
Incapacity means
to be incapable of acting or making decisions or communicating decisions or undersatdning decsions or retaining the memory of decisions bcos of mental disroder
Treatment can be given without consent can ge given under common law
allows for treatment in emergency situations of physical or mental disorders if unable to consent
- best interests of individual
- necessary to sustain life, prevent serious detrioration or alleviate sever pain and suffering
Advance directive
sets out persons wishes about healthcare should he or she become incpapble of taking decisions about treatment
power of attorney
- allows someone to choose another persos to make decisions on their behalf
- both welfare (personal wlefare, residentil and medical decisions) and financial
certificate of incapacity
must state likely duration and treatment
mental disorder means
§any pental illnes, personailty diroder or LD
- NOT by reasons of sexual orientation, sexual deviancy, transexualism, alcohol or drug dpenedence, behaviour that causes harassment , alram or distress to any other person, acting as no prudent person would act
emergecny dentation certificate
emergency admission up to 72 hours, can be done by fully registered medical practicition, no appeal, cannot authorise regular treatment
criteria for emergency detention
mental disorder, impaired ability to make decision about treatment, signif risk to health, safety, welfare or safety of others, urgent, undesirable delay to obtain short term detention certificate
SHort term detention certificate
28 days, approved medical practitioner, MHO consent needed, can be appealed at mental health tribunal, can authorise treatment
short term detention certificate criteria
- mental disorder
signif impaired ability to make decision about treatment
requires hosp assessment and treatment - signfic risk to health, safety , welfare or safety of others
- necessary
nurses holding power
to detain pending a medical exam
can be detained for 3 hrs by registered mental health nurse
criteria for nurses holding power
- mental disorder
- necessary for protection of patients health, saftey or welfare or saefty of others
- not practical to secure immediate medical exam
- necessary to carry out a medical exam to determine if an emergency or short term detention certificate is required
compuslory treatment order
- to treat
- from 6 monthss and can be renewed yearly
- needs 2drs / MHO
- can be appealed by tribunal
- treatment can be authorised
criteria for CTO
- mental disorder
- imaoired ability to make decisons
- signif risk bla bla
- treatments likely to prevent mental disorder from worsening
- CTO is necessary
adult at risk is
- unable to safeguard their own wellbeing, property rights or other interests
- at risk of harm as
affected by disability, mental disorder, illness or infirmity
DVLA should be notified about
- severe depression or anxiety
acute psychoctic epsidoe - revoked until stabel for 3 months - hypomaina or mania - same as above
- schizophrenia - should not drive during acute illness
persistent depndence of alcohol/ substances DVLA
licence revoked until 6 months - year of sobriety