Legal Exam Revision Flashcards
Burden of proof
Who has to prove the case
Standard of proof
level to which they have to prove it
Who has burden of proof (civil law)
Who has burden of proof (criminal law)
Standard of proof (civil law)
Balance of probabilities
Standard of proof (criminal law)
Beyond reasonable doubt
Individual rights
- Reason for arrest
- Right to contact a family member and lawyer
- Right to remain silent, except you have to state your name and address
Elements of the criminal process
- Arrest
- Questioning
- Bail
Institutional powers
- Right to arrest under reasonable grounds and take to the police station.
- Right to Questioning
- Right to refuse bail
Court hierarchy
- High Court
- Supreme Court: Trial division + Court of appeal
- Country Court
- Magistrates Court
What is the role of the jury in criminal and civil cases?
To reach a verdict
How many members are there on a criminal and civil jury?
Criminal - 12
Civil - 6
What is the difference between a majority and unanimous verdict?
A unanimous verdict is when the jury’s vote is 12/12 jurors.
A majority verdict is when the jury’s vote is 11/12
Disqualified from jury duty
If you have a criminal record, bankrupt, on bail, sentenced in the past 2 years.
Ineligible from jury duty
Employed in a legal profession, police or court official, and if you are unable to do tasks.